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Messages - schweltzer

Hi Guys,

built the shark fin - set it up in my test rig; the filter side works fine, but the sample hold side does not
The LED does not flash
the trim pots appear to change the "range" or frequency of the signal, but nothing is "effected" otherewise.
the LED flickers when I touch the steel of the SPD pot...
does anyone have voltages for the IC I can check?
Which path do i need to trace for the sample hold side?
blearyeyes: I bought two pots that can be fitted with LEDs to light up from below. I thought it would be cool to have both light up.
Will check with a multi meter tonight.

Hello all,

I've just tested my pork barrel before boxing: good news the effect works! but the bad news: The LED/LFO mod does not appear to work - that is the LEDs do not light up.
I followed the instructions, used a 22k resistor and used two 3mm ultrabright LEDs in series, and connected the negative terminal of LED-2 to the ground of my small test rig. The effect works fine, but the LEDs do not light up. Im using a 9v power supply (test rig is powered by a new 9v battery).

Does anyone have a suggestion as to why the LEDs do not light up?



Hi All,
I've recently completed the zero point micro 2 board, hooked it up to my basic test rig (rock before box) and the effect doesnt work!
Sound is making its way through the pedal, but all the pedal seems to produce is a rythmic noise: the volume of the noise increases with the mix pot, but no other pots appear to do anything.
the only part substitution: i used a 78L05 in place of the LM78L05 listed in the BOM of the pedal (see link)

I've checked for solder bridges and cold joints: everything seems to be OK. I socketed the ICs and regulator, so I dont think there is an issue with them

Does anyone have any suggestions

Hi All,
I've recently completed the zero point micro 2 board, hooked it up to my basic test rig (rock before box) and the effect doesnt work!
Sound is making its way through the pedal, but all the pedal seems to produce is a rythmic noise: the volume of the noise increases with the mix pot, but no other pots appear to do anything.
the only part substitution: i used a 78L05 in place of the LM78L05 listed in the BOM of the pedal (see link)

I've checked for solder bridges and cold joints: everything seems to be OK. I socketed the ICs and regulator, so I dont think there is an issue with them

Does anyone have any suggestions

Tech Help - Projects Page / VOLTAGE REGULATOR
May 01, 2014, 06:44:13 PM

Fairly new at this: building the zero-point-micro 2 board, and Im currently doing the shopping.

The parts list calls for a "LM78L05" regulator - my local parts suppliers (Banzai and newtone) only have a "78L05" - would this be a good substitute/equivalent?

Thanks for the help guys!