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Messages - latestsaint

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Slow Loris Accident!!
October 13, 2014, 11:05:56 PM
i reflowed(sp?) the solder on the LEDs and that seems to have done the trick.  no more flickering in and out of the clipping stage  :o
other than that, this things is solid as a rock, and is probably the gnarliest distortion on my board right now.  it sounds good with a bass too if you dial back the pedal with the sweep mod. 

now its time for paint!!!!   :)

later on fellas
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Slow Loris Accident!!
October 10, 2014, 12:07:22 PM
Quote from: wgc on September 28, 2014, 11:39:12 PM
I'm guessing you just have a short from something touching the box, broken solder joint, wire, etc.  take it back out and see if it works then.

Almost always simpler than you think, but not always easy to see.

thats exactly what i ended up doing.  found out it was these crappy metal dc jacks i was using.  i noticed when i was taking out the jacks and the dc was still plugged in.. i got a little spark on the enclosure.  anyways ive go it all wired up and jammed in a 1590b.  it sounds awesome, and i love how you can see the leds light up when you use their clipping stage (i drilled two extra holes for these btw  ;))

now the only problem im having is the clipping stage cutting out sometimes when the leds get jostled or moved.  probably some loose connection or it may be grounding out...  i guess ill find out when i gut it again to paint the damn thing.  but it sounds awesome!  not bad for my first rat prototype.  definitely going to give this one another shot in a bigger enclosure so i can fit a battery  8)

later guys thanks again
Tech Help - Projects Page / Slow Loris Accident!!
September 28, 2014, 10:59:54 PM
Hey guys.  Well i had my slow loris tested and working (the thing sounds killer btw!) so i drilled out my 1590b enclosure and started stuffing.  i ran into a problem (as i always do) with the Cut and Gain wire lengths so i had to resolder longer ones in.

When i went to wire up the power i may have wired it reversed polarity.  Now ive got it back on the test rig and i am getting no output.  Did i accidentally fry something?  i know the power stage of this circuit is a little complicated but what would be the first thing to check if i did accidentally power this thing backwards?

also, i changed out the socketed chip and transistor with new ones to see if that was the problem.  still no signal

thanks in advance!!