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Messages - benevan

Requests / Re: BJF BlueBerry Bass Overdrive
February 25, 2011, 01:06:24 AM
The 3BOD is a fairly unique effect.  Most bass od's are either TS9's modded for bass or some type of OD with a clean blend. 

It has a very dark tone and light amount of grit.

I have one and would like a clone as it is quite expensive/rare and would rather not gig with it as I have had some bad luck with theft.

To my knowledge, there is only one "clone" of this pedal out on the consumer market, the fuzzrocious dark driving.  Problem is, it is almost as rare as the 3BOD as he only builds on request and has stated that this item will be discontinued.  Even then, I haven't actually tried it and don't know how close to the original it is, as it only has one pot (some internal trimmers are there) and states that it is only based on the 3BOD and the Honey Bee, and not necessarily a direct clone.

Because Fuzzrocious states that his unit is based on the 3BOD AND the Honey Drive makes me think they are essentially the same circuit with a few values changed here or there.
Requests / Re: BJF BlueBerry Bass Overdrive
February 24, 2011, 12:50:11 PM

I have the same interest.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Road Rage wiring
February 02, 2011, 02:31:04 AM
I have a EPFM Fuzz that I have run on battery for years and never bothered to figure out how to operate on an adapter.

I am interested in doing this, but want to be sure about your wiring suggestion.

Quote from: madbean on October 25, 2010, 03:09:45 PM
So, bring your DC jack 9v wire into the 9v input of the Road Rage. There, it will be filtered and reverse-polarity protected. You can simply take another wire out from the adjacent +9v pad to your board. Then, wire both the -9v and ground from the RR to the appropriate pads on your main board. Since you are only using the +/-9v feature, you can leave off D1, D2, C1, C2 and C6. These are needed only for 18v or regulated supply lines.

You mention 9V input and +9V and -9V output, however, on the schematic, it is ~18V and +9V and -9V.  I assume the 9V input is the ~18V on the schematic, correct?