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Build Reports / Re: First pedal. First frustration.
June 13, 2014, 01:28:22 AM
Thanks for the answer.
Build Reports / Re: First pedal. First frustration.
June 09, 2014, 11:35:35 PM
Can I have a burnt transistor for a wrong pin connection?
Open Discussion / Ea tremolo turning to tap tempo.
June 05, 2014, 01:48:31 AM
Can i do a mod to the speed knob to control tempo by a switch.
I understand it wont be as simple as doing the booster/tremolo mod, but can something like this be possible?

I am just wondering.

Wondering that and having the EAT not working yet...(transistors issues)
Build Reports / Re: First pedal. First frustration.
June 03, 2014, 01:26:57 PM
As i understood, tonepad layout is wrong on the order of the transistors.
For tonepad:

In all other schematics, 2N5088 goes as Q3 driving the oscillation with high gain and 2N3904 goes as Q1 just for volume control.

I found this at tonepad building reports.

Let me know if I am wrong or not.

Thanks guys
Build Reports / Re: First pedal. First frustration.
June 02, 2014, 11:45:21 PM
I met a friend today and the first thing wrong we found was that the ground was not connected to sleeve but to shield.

After that we had signal going through but WITHOUT tremolo.
Level knob is working well. Reversed but working.
Speed and depth are useless.

We took away a 12k resistor to place there a led+10k resistor (connected both ways just in case we were wrong) to check if we had a wet signal going to the led but not to the audio.
Nothing happened.

I got a replacement for 2 transistors:
2N5088 for a BC549
2N5457 for a K301

We checked pinouts and seemed to be the same. Called the place were I bought and they confirmed that pinouts were the same for K301 but not for BC549. We inverted that one.

Still without tremoling.

I will use soldering to cover all the tracks just in case a micro cut is splitting tracks.
(I will do this because that happened on one of the two power supplies I did)

Which component is the one creating the FX?
I don't know if I am really clear with the tittle, but I am looking for a tremolo project with a signal shapping switch: from sinusoidal to squared or triangular.
Sorry for the terminology I am ussing. Not a native english speaking here.

I am finishing with my first pedal, an EA tremolo and was thinking about those extreme tremolo sounds.

Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Open Discussion / Re: Calligraphy on Enclosures
June 02, 2014, 05:05:16 PM
Great to know this Davent! Thanks for sharing.
Build Reports / First pedal. First frustration.
May 29, 2014, 05:54:02 AM
I just finished to put all parts together of a EA tremolo.
Since the beginning, I have no idea of what I am doing. I am just copying and soldering.
But after the hole work I had to do the outboard connections and I did a mess. I am using a DPDT and this "pentellium bypass"

Got a battery snap to check if at least leds turn on but they don't even blink...

Just sharing the mood.
Good night (or morning...)
Open Discussion / Re: Dual Pedal Ideas
May 05, 2014, 03:23:03 AM
Offtopic question: does some of you have a tutorial for switching the order of dual pedals?