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Messages - krafty

Requests / SnackShack cap values for "dark" version?
February 27, 2011, 07:38:22 PM
I'd love to build a SnackShack but was wondering what cap values you guys would suggest to switch it to the "Meathead Dark" version?

I'm trying to decypher some schematics online but only having marginal luck - it looks like C1 and C5 would change to 470nF?
Build Reports / Re: Sabertooth fuzz
February 02, 2011, 12:58:06 AM
Yeah, the drawing is just from a google image search for woolly mammoth I think.  It's a little monkey riding on one.  :)  I used a Testor's clear inkjet waterslide decal (I don't recommend them, the colors bleed horribly) on a sort of transparent copper paintjob.

I picked the name thanks to my daughter - she was watching some random show on NickJr and I heard something about "A mastadon is basically a hairy, stinky elephant" and it fit perfectly!
Build Reports / Sabertooth fuzz
February 01, 2011, 03:26:42 PM
This is my first MadBean buildup and my 3rd pedal build.  The first was a GGG OSQ compressor which went pretty well.  Second was another WM clone based on the "fuzzy elephant" stripboard layout.  I built this Sabertooth-based box for a couple of reasons:
1)  I wanted to see how it compared to the stripboard version I built up
2)  I wanted to see how MadBean's PCBs worked out (very well, btw). 
3)  It's winter in Michigan and I'm bored silly.



I ended up using a pre-drilled enclosure from PPP, primarily because I suck at measuring and drilling (which is one reason why my first WM build was less than ideal).  Except for 2 problems with the LED, this box works flawlessly.  Because of the layout of the PCB the ideal location for the LED was not where the LED hole was drilled in the enclosure.  I routed 2 wires under the double-sided tape below the PCB to make it work, but when I feel confident enough to drill my own again I'll put it where it naturally sits on the board.  Unfortunately my LED seems to be a dud, as it doesn't light and everything tests out OK.  I may pull it and put in another one but it's going to be a bit of a pain so it's not not high on the list right now.

I'm REALLY interested in building a Macheen or Faultline next, but that'll be a while yet.  Too many other things to do in the meantime.