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Messages - cliffmustard

Thanks Jon, that does explain it. I was expecting it to be similar to the earlier version so thought I'd missed something.

If I can just run a few things by you, I'm using p90s, fairly medium low output. At just under 9 o'clock on the comp knob and in the low setting I'm getting about 2k resistance from the q3 drain to ground and I can hear the compression going on.  At the most extreme compression there's almost a 2s hold before it lets go.

Think I'll have a play to see where I can get with values you mentioned.

Thanks again.

Hi all,
I've built the later version of the Bearhug FET compressor on perf (with the diode and resistor changes).



Whilst my build is working, it does seem to compress too much, especially compared to the previous version (with the 1n60p diodes) that I've also built and really love.

I'm pretty sure I've made a mistake somewhere but have checked and double checked the component values and connections and can't spot a problem. If anyone could check over my voltages and offer any pointers that would be great:

Supply voltage 8.99v
q1 d 5.05         g 3.8 decreasing        s 1.2 increasing
q2 c 6.93         b 1.18           e 0.66
q3 d 0             g 0                s 0

Measuring the resistance from Q3 drain to ground, with the volume and compression on full, at idle I get about 360r and with a heavy strum it goes up to around 12k. I think this is supposed to be around 1-2k but am not sure whether that just applies to the first version.

I've attached some pics.

Any help would be much appreciated. Also a big thanks to Jon (should he see this) for sharing his great designs, all the detailed build notes and the forum responses.
