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Messages - she sells sea shells

I had knobs like this and chucked a nut underneath the enclosure on the pot. nice build
Build Reports / Re: The Jetalizer
April 04, 2014, 08:19:05 AM
very nice job dude!
Build Reports / Re: Dual Drive Pedal
April 03, 2014, 09:16:26 AM
I think I bought the last one off him he had at the time.
you could try pm him though, he is called eletricb on here, he posted above.
Build Reports / Re: Dual Drive Pedal
April 02, 2014, 05:05:57 AM
yeah dude I saw the colour on madbean and the example photo was with these knobs and brown! saw it and had to do it.

I think your circuit layout is really well designed and offers great functions.  (shhh don't talk about the pcb mounted pots, I may have made an error)

I am finding so many good tones with this pedal, especially when playing with the presence. Kind of makes me think if I should use an external pot. Sounds really good with two different sounds each side then stacking them.
Build Reports / Re: Dual Drive Pedal
March 30, 2014, 08:30:49 AM
oh hello. good to be seeing another new zealand on here.
I live in hawkes bay :)
Build Reports / Re: Dual Drive Pedal
March 30, 2014, 02:35:02 AM
sounds really good. one side can get more heavier sort of tones I don't use often, but it is very cool to use to bring the harmonics out. You can squeal playing any note pretty much. Other side is less heavy and great for rock tones.
Very versatile box
Build Reports / Dual Drive Pedal
March 29, 2014, 07:03:14 AM
Hi everyone I bought this pcb of a member on byoc forum.
I think one side is supposed to be an MI Audio distortion of some sort and the other side some kind of analog man king of tone.
I am not too sure but have an internal dip switch for different clipping diodes and has a 9v-18v switch with 18v provided by charge pump
Enclosure is mammoth powder blue, love this colour.

My first job without pcb mounted pots. Has orange leds. Nice colour but not very bright.

one of the 3dpt switches seemed a little low quality. got it from tayda. didn't have as much red goo on it.

yes I have the three coming in the post.
I only just learned of the super duper and now I will do it
thank you
on the zvex website it says the super duper will maybe blow up your amp
I am not worried though because I won't do that

thank you for the help
I ordered six from tayda and 4 had some numbers and 2 had different

for my multiplex I put one from the first code and one from the other code.
the pedal sounds pretty good to me but I am not sure if this helps
thanks for the help I know what to do after looking at diagram of hard ons
so the design is two in series and the second has a volume control?

I already have the two little pcbs shipping so can I mod this somehow

link to pcb

I'll go over both the firebomb and this circuit diagrams and see what is up
oka y so I got the 3 x pcb from oshpark that I found on this forum and I was thinking to myself while waiting for the shipping to happen.
can I just run one hard on into another hard on inside the box?

would this be super duper?

because I have three hard ons to go around would possiblity of 3 sound good?
yeah I guess the boost would be too much.

such a little circuit board was just thinking of things I could add to fill up some room
General Questions / Switchable boost in a circuit
March 17, 2014, 09:41:17 AM
recently I purchased 3x fuzzrite clone pcbs and I thought it would be a cool idea to add a sho booster clone to the circuit.

what I want to do is have a toggle switch that turns the boost on or off like on my cae mc404 wah pedal
I have a on/on 2pdt toggle switch on hand.

thanks in advance