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Messages - ian_guga

check the caps ...
mastery solved - faulty capacitor the .01uf was causing all the madness possible including the led-pop and the vol drop.

now fixed -  added "volume" mod and now sounds really good.
I haven't .... do you mean for it to solve the volume drop problem or the pop.
I am trying at the moment to get rid of the pop by putting 10mf cap to ground
it reduces the pop by much - it's now in the "normal" led pop volumes
some new development...
the problem seams to be disappeared - could not pinpoint at what point and why....
at the moment the led causes a small drop in volume and change in tone which I guess could be expected,
it also causes the biggest led pop on pressing the switch I've ever heard in my life. sounds almost like a gun shot on cranked up amp.  ;D
i'll take some pics of it ...
true bypass is wired like this

basically the moment the led gets turned on the volume drops gradually to 0 and if I just unplug the led vol gets back to normal again gradually.
thanks guys.... same thing happens both on battery and psu... at the start I tried taking the 9v and ground from the popular location - the diode and the resistor right after the pcu, then I just started experiment all over the place and same thing happens everywhere.
the led resistor is not forgotten.
decided to mod my crybaby...
"Vocal Mod" - done with pot for fine tune.
true bypass - done
Midrange - done
great sounds and all -
Adding a led - fail....  >:( :o :(
no mater where I steal the 9v and ground from the led just drains the voltage out of the pedal until it dies. unplugging the led turns things back to normal going on here? am I missing something?
Open Discussion / Re: NGD
June 08, 2014, 12:54:21 AM
they are great even without upgrades. The only downsides are the skinny trem block and the pots/switch.

I traded the one I had and I can't say I'm very happy that I did... It did feel nicer than the mex strats I have.
Pickups are surprisingly good... the plastics IMHO are disgusting.

Open Discussion / Re: Bridge/Trem block suggestions
June 07, 2014, 11:20:06 PM
I bought trem block for my strats from a nice chap in Germany on ebay. cold rolled steel. bought 2 or 3 block from him - perfect fit and also very responsive and nice seller.
General Questions / pharaoh big muff project
May 21, 2014, 02:11:18 PM
hi guys

I am building "pharaoh" take on the big muff...
here is some of the gathered info it might be helpful to someone
different values compared to the 3rd triangle big muff.

pretty happy with how it sounds.
here is a not very musical initial test

now the question:
I want to boost it internally
LPB-1 or SHO is the better option for this?

I like amplitube... to my  ear some of  the amp sims are spot on - at least the small number I played in real life. Some are a bit off ...but not by much.

I really wish I was a kid now... you can get a reasonable guitar for couple of hundred, throw couple more in and you have the power of a digital studio to record and mix on your laptop ...if you wonder how some song is played - just youtube it and there are at least 5 different people teaching you (for free) or you got the software that isolates the solo for you and shows you the cord changes...

20 years ago 200q were getting you a shovel with wire for strings...and if you want to learn a solo - better steal some nail polish from your mom coz those cassette tapes are breaking from too much rewinding. Or buy the damn book and learn to read notation.

so red box with black knobs for this one ... I guess it asked for it.

Seriously I have no idea how to measure this one...
TC HOF mini
until not long ago a MXR Carbon Copy which is now replaced by a Multiplex
Open Discussion / Re: Show us your guitar!
April 27, 2014, 02:11:48 PM

down to 2 guitars...