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Messages - steveyraff

Quote from: madbean on May 19, 2015, 12:40:35 PM
D2 is the Rate indicator like you said. The LED pad on the board is for your indicator LED. Simply wire that to the positive side of your off-board LED and the neg side of the LED to your 3PDT. In either case use whatever style LED you like.

Thanks man! By the way, brilliant speedy shipping all the way to Ireland :)

Hi guys,

A little confused here. On the BOM it says D2 is a 3mm LED for a rate indicator. It doesn't list any other LED's. However, I see on the board there is also a solder point for another LED. Is this the ON/OFF indicator - meaning there are in fact two LED's visible on this pedal?

If the other is an ON/OFF indicator, I am not sure how to wire that up, as there is only one terminal for it on the PCB. Not sure how that works with the standard offboard wiring guide?

Also, is it ok to use any kind of LED's or do they have to be red diffused like stated on the project?

I know this pedal isn't true bypass - but when the 3PDT switch is to the off position, there is no sound at all. When its on it sounds great though.

Can someone tell me how I go about troubleshooting this issue?

Many thanks,
Quote from: GermanCdn on February 13, 2014, 10:24:54 PM
If it's out of it's enclosure, make sure you've got both the input and the output jack grounded and you should be good to go.

Glad you're having fun.

I am a total noob, this is my first build.

Can you please tell me how exactly to ground them? ie exactly what goes where?


I am having A LOT of fun, but playin with one hand and grounding with my other hand aint much fun lol
Ok LED is working now.

I am nearly there! When I plug it in all I hear is AWFUL buzzing. But when I play with one hand and touch something metal with the other hand - it actually sounds AMAZING! I am so excited now!

Can someone please just tell me how to ground the thing properly while it is out of its enclosure - then I can rock out and enjoy all my hard work!
I think I am close to getting it to work. See the left hand side of the schematic I am using? With the LED symbol? Do I put the LED in there and which way around? At the moment i just have two wires soldered in there .

I hear nothing but noise until I touch a metal surface. Then it sounds like the pedal actual works nicely. I don't think I have it grounded yet in any way? Is this correct?

P.S The circuit is not yet in its enclosure.
where does the LED go tho?
Oh cool, so I can just follow the pictures. That was easy!

I'll really have to research this more for future builds.

Thanks for the help - I really appreciate it.

Hi guys,

Long story, but this is my first pedal build and I think I am in WAY over my head. Its only now that I am nearly completion that I realise I could have started with something MUCH easier.

So far I've followed the PDF guide and I've soldered in all my components and all my outboard wiring. The only thing I've left to do now, is to insert my Transistors into their sockets. I have the sockets all already soldered in.

So I have a diagram showing me the pinouts of all my transistors.

I have one BC549, two BC547B's and three BC547's.

However, the schematic guide I am using doesn't state which pins go where on the circuit. I am using the Madbean PDF. I am using the schematic on the very LAST page.

Can someone please help me get my pinouts correct so I can plug this in and see if it works?!

Also, one final thing. Right now I don't have an LED wired up. Unlike most guides I've seen, it doesn't seem to wire up to the footswitch, but instead it shows a place for the LED in the circuit at the left hand side. Do I just wire the LED in there?

Many thanks, (lots of noob questions I know - Sorry!)