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Heads up for any Aussie forumites, the August edition of Silicon Chip magazine has an article on a solid state valve simulator.

I don't understand the nuances of the circuit, but the input goes into an LM833 with variable gain which then feeds into source follower JFET (2N5485). There is then a loudspeaker simulation circuit which uses a TL074 (apparently they have an LTSpice file on their website.)


Open Discussion / Re: Bi-color LED clipper.
April 19, 2014, 10:47:23 AM
Most multicolour LEDs have an anode (or cathode) for each colour, and a common cathode (or anode). Your bicolour LED, having only two leads, might have confused a few people.

If you are putting it in a prefabricated board that has 4 pads for 2 back to back diodes or LEDs, installing it in place of one of the diodes, in any direction, and leaving the other spot empty should work. Basically, your LED is a little self contained package of back to back LED's of different colours.

Hope this helps, (and I hope I'm right!)

EDIT: I've just realised your question is more 'what will it sound like', not, 'will it work'. I guess it will sound like two discrete diodes with similar voltage drops to each direction of your two-legged bicolour LED, symmetrical or asymmetrical depending on the specs.

I went down this road a few years ago, and my opinion is to buy a set of near field monitors, and spend whatever you think is reasonable for your purposes.

In my case, it was a friend and myself mixing some multitracked digital recordings for our own amusement, and I found a cheap pair of powered 5" monitors (Behringer as it turns out) more than adequate for what we wanted. I now use them as my computer speakers full time. Its amazing what you can hear, and how different things can sound through headphones, home stereo, car stereo etc.

I learnt a huge amount about music and sound by going through the mixing process, and had a lot of fun as well.
Open Discussion / Re: 3PDT boards
February 21, 2014, 11:09:46 PM
Quote from: chromesphere on February 21, 2014, 09:13:18 AM
spst = single pole single throw
mom = momentary
latched = latched
switch = switch

No prob =  that's OK
tacked onto = added to
gunna take = going to take
show up = arrive

Paul your package arrived yesterday, the 3PDT boards are sweet, they fit a 1590a beautifully and because there's no overhang you can back the switch right up against the end.
Open Discussion / Re: 3PDT boards
February 19, 2014, 01:45:30 AM
Quote from: chromesphere on February 18, 2014, 11:32:23 PM
They were the 5 left from the second version prototype boards.   I have another lot coming in. :)
Have you used one yet?  What did you think of them?

They haven't arrived yet, but they should be only a day or two away.

I must say I hate offboard wiring with a passion, I currently have three boxes laying around all finished except for the wiring.

I noticed earlier in this thread that gjcamann has some great little switch mounted pcb's for clippers and filters shared on Osh Park - what is the etiquette involved in getting some of these? Is it OK just to order them, or should you check with the designer first?
Open Discussion / Re: 3PDT boards
February 18, 2014, 11:23:03 PM
Quote from: chromesphere on February 18, 2014, 10:29:48 PM

Oh yeah, and there out of stock for probably another 3 weeks...  ::)

Hmmm, I think I snaffled your last five....