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Messages - klonisgayjplay

Not sure where to start first. Going to update my progress here as i go along.

Okay, my third madbean pedal in a row thats not giving me an effect..
Im starting to suspect that i am doing something fundamentally wrong

I get a bypass signal when the effect is plugged in, but im not getting an effect signal.
Also the calibration guide reccomends you set the clock rate coming from pin 2 and 4 of ic5 to 6.5k. The lowest i can get is to 7.5k

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Total Recall No signal
January 31, 2018, 07:44:47 PM
Hey, the positive ground is confusing me on this build and im not sure that im measuring IC volatages correctly.

I believe i have the power done correctly. Would anyone be willing to double check this for me?

im using the red probe on the left leg and the black probe on the middle leg.
if i put the black probe on the rightmost leg i get +15v
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Total Recall No signal
January 31, 2018, 04:44:52 AM
Quote from: madbean on January 31, 2018, 12:22:35 AM
Intense hum could also be lack of ground continuity between the I/O and DC jacks.

this is interesting because i only hear the intense hum when im using test rig, but if i just plug the input and output on the pedal itself i have no hum..

i am going to try and calibrate the trimmers one more time and see if i can get an effect from the unit. but as of now. the LED turns on but instead of an effect i get a less loud guitar signal.. Ill be right back.
Quote from: madbean on January 30, 2018, 11:02:21 PM
You're not going to hear a signal at pin2 of that IC. But, you should hear it at pin1. Your voltage on pin7 is too low. So, either there is something wrong with the soldering, the socket or the IC. Since your bias voltages (4.5v) are correct otherwise, the IC might be the culprit.

What I do in these case is actually pull all the ICs and audio probe incrementally. With IC1 removed:
-If you have a continuity checker  on your multimeter, verify that R2 and the empty pin2 socket have continuity. Verify that pin2 does not have continuity with pin3 or ground.
-With the IC still removed, verify that audio gets to the empty pin2 socket (you should hear signal there without the IC in). If you have no audio, then you have lost the signal at R2.
-If you do have audio at pin2, re-insert the IC and check pin1 for audio. Same problem? It's the IC. Pull an IC from a working build and try that. If it's still not getting audio at pin1, then there is something else going on....maybe at the board level like a tiny short with the soldering.

Brian THANK YOU!! I was missing continuity from R2 to pin 2.. on to the next one!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Total Recall No signal
January 30, 2018, 10:29:01 PM
Another pedal not working... How do you keep from getting frustrate and angry?

Okay so, i have some bleed in my audio with the power out.

When i plug the power in i get an intense hum sound.

The led goes on,

The power reads 29v
The signal goes right before resistor 2. Then immediately stops right after.
Just checked resistors and Caps. so far so good.
Okay, i have my signal tester.

I can get signal after C1 and R2.

HOWEVER on IC1, Nothing on pin one. Loud ramping up crashing noise on pin 2 Nothing on 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7, 8.

Also im not entirely sure i have an understanding on how the switch works.

Anyways i can send more pictures of the PCB hooked up. I tried to reflow some joints on the IC, no effect.
Quote from: madbean on January 30, 2018, 12:17:56 AM
1st things first: ground that output jack when testing it outside an enclosure.

Yes, I actually test this IN the enclosure. I know that's not advised, and I promise I'm building a test rig! I'm currently figuring out how to include a test probe in the rig.

Back to the moodring, with the output jack grounded, I run into the same problem.
literally building that, as we speak lol.
Hey guys, first post in awhile.

Let me preface with saying, i know. i should have a test rig. This is literally my next step as a builder. I have put it off. No longer will i do this. This is the second build ive had go awry and its super frustrating.

Anyways, im not getting a blend signal from the guitar just sort of "reverb noise, and feedback"

Things ive noticed.

When the effect is turned OFF, i get a bypass signal. The guitar comes through the amp perfectly.

When the effect is turned on I get a slight delayed  guitar signal. Very distant sounding.When i turn the trimmer down it increases the gain on the delayed signal but not the guitar.

When i engage the kill switch, i lose all sound.

Also im using the BTDR-2H Long. Not medium as reccomended.

On IC1 the TL072CP im getting 8.2v on the first leg.

More Voltages.

Ic1 TL072CP

Ic4 TL072CP




Going through the parts now