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Messages - chutneyfarmer

Having trouble ordering more than one board off the site. When I click on the "Order" option for the first board I want, the shopping cart window opens as normal. When I go to order another board the paypal log-in screen replaces the shopping cart, but when I log in I'm just in my paypal account. No more shopping cart :( anyone else having this trouble?? Eager to get cracking on some more pedals :)
Quote from: Haberdasher on July 14, 2010, 02:35:54 AM
I assume it should be ok, but I'd like to know for sure as well.  :)

And me!!!
Requests / Repeat Percussion
July 08, 2010, 12:45:49 PM

Would love to see a Repeat Percussion style choppy tremolo board. Dunno if there's many schematics or layouts floating around. Been looking to get me some Spacemen 3 choppy drones on the go :)

Requests / Re: more D*A*M?
June 22, 2010, 12:00:18 PM
Yup more DAM stuff would be great alright! Especially the Sonic Titan
General Questions / Fallout
June 22, 2010, 11:57:41 AM
Heya Brian Madbean,

I know you're busy moving house (I hope it's going well for ya, I had to move in January so I feel your pain!) but are there any plans to put up the wiring diagram for the Fallout project?? Really interested in building one as the Red Llama is a favourite of mine.

General Questions / Tinning?
May 23, 2010, 04:44:03 PM

I am waiting for the shop to reopen before I place an order for a handful of pcbs. I read on the forum that you are no longer tinning the pcbs that you send out.

Do the pcbs need to be tinned? What are the consequences of not tinning them? And if I was to tin them myself what would you recommend using?
