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Messages - red.guitar

Thanks for all of the help guys!!

I've just placed my order, and should hopefully receive everything within the next two weeks.

Again, I just really want to thank you guys for the warm welcome to the community, and taking the time to give this new guy some very helpful advice!

I'll likely start a build thread when everything arrives!

Thanks for the link! That helps a lot.

I've got everything on the parts list now found with the excwption of the 470pf cap.

470pf = 0.00047mf correct?

It seems that the smallest cap value that I can find is 0.001mf?

Edit: Would this work for a 47pf cap, or would it be too big?

Edit #2: Or would this work better:
So Haberdasher mentioned earlier that most pedals run on 9v, or 16v caps, but its best to use 25v.

My problem is that I can only find the 10uf and 100uf caps in 25v electrolytic. I can only find the smaller ones (.01uf, .00047uf) in 600v orange drop caps. Would it be alright to order those, or should I look for something different?
Okay. Cool.

Thanks for the verification!

Im still a little confused about how small bear names their caps. I've read that a lot of the time, distributors will lable caps as mf, when it really should be uf.

As in 10uf=10mf??
I've actually just read a few post in other forums saying that small bear does use mf instead of uf.

Edit: I'm a little confused now. Can someone comfirm what caps I need?

The parts list calls for:

C1    10nF        (0.01uF)
C2    10uF
C3    100uF
C4    10uF
C5    82nF        (0.082uF)
C6    470pF
C7    10nF        (0.01uF)
C8    47nF        (0.047uF)
This is probably a stupid question but the parts list for the pedals build I'm following list the caps in nf, but when I look on small bear, everything is listed as mf.

The reason I'm confused is barbecue I need a 10nf for c1, so if I convert that its equal to 0.00001mf?? The lowest value radial aluminum cap that is listed is 1mf, as far as I can see.

What am I missing here?

I'm planning on ordering from small bear.

What type of pots should I use? Audio, linear or rev audio?

Thanks for the great help!

Edit: I've read that linear will always work and audio is good for volume.

So I guess I'll go with 1 audio and 2 linear.
Thanks for the info.

I just have a quick question. I just getting ready to order parts now. What type of caps should I order?
I think I'll just pick up the short stack it'll prob work out to about the same price and I'll likely get it a lot quicker.

This is my first post here. I've been wanting to start building my own effects for a while now, and I've decided to start with a clone of the Cowther Hotcake. I've been looking for a pedal to drive my AC30CCH for a while now, and this pedal just sounds amazing with the amp.

I've taken some electrotech courses in college, so I have a decent understanding of how to read diagrams, solder, and what most of the components do. I also do work on my guitars, so I don't think I'm a complete beginner; but this will be my first pedal build from scratch.

I think I'm going to order the Big Dipper Effects Short Stack

I also found There are some difference between the caps used in both.

I'm just wondering if anyone here has tried to diy one of these pedals, and if you could give me a few pointers.
