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Messages - smoreland120

Build Reports / Re: Zero Point SDX
February 05, 2014, 01:48:25 AM
Thanks!  That's funny.  I would just build the new one with his money and keep the new one.
Build Reports / Re: Zero Point SDX
February 04, 2014, 08:58:08 PM
I might have misled you.  I was referring to the DC jack barely fitting on the Zeropoint SDX.  Regardless, I hope the Kingslayer comes together nicely for you.
Build Reports / Re: Zero Point SDX
February 04, 2014, 05:14:56 AM
Haha.  Bonus points or stupidity points, one or the other.  I didn't have any sockets or patience to order some!
Build Reports / Re: Zero Point SDX
February 04, 2014, 02:26:58 AM
Thanks!  I actually found it much easier to build than the Kingslayer due to the PCB mount pots and switches.  The DC jack I used barely fit, so you might want to try a slim version.  Good luck with the build!
Build Reports / Zero Point SDX
February 04, 2014, 01:33:49 AM
Just finished up the Zero Point SDX build.  This one turned out much better now that I have one under my belt.  Sounds great too, which is really what matters!

Build Reports / Re: Kingslayer
January 31, 2014, 02:15:56 AM
Thanks guys!  I got so excited to play it, I closed it up before any gut pics.  (and I'm a little ashamed of how dirty the inside looks...haha)  Working on the ZeroPoint SDX right now.  Pics to come, guts included.  Thanks again.
Build Reports / Kingslayer
January 30, 2014, 09:11:58 PM
I finished up my first pedal build.  I think it turned out pretty nice, but definitely know how to do things better next time. 
Ok...I'm going to sound insane, but when I got home and fired it up, it was working fine.  When the soft clipping diodes were engaged, the swirl/whine was gone.  Hopefully for good!

Now on to the Zeropoint SDX on the table!
Thanks for the help.  The pitch changes when I adjust any of the pots, but it is a high pitch.  Its not obnoxiously loud, but definitely there.  I used the TC1044SCPA charge pump.  I didn't make any substitutions.  I'll try and link to a video of it when I get home from work. 
Tech Help - Projects Page / Kingslayer swirling sound
January 24, 2014, 04:39:11 AM
I just built my first pedal from madbean and it was fun!  I built the Kingslayer and it sounds great when the OD is switched off, but when I engage the clipping diodes, you can hear a swirling sound that is fairly audible.  Any suggestions?  Thanks for the help!