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Messages - Robbieg

Open Discussion / Re: Capacitor Discharge
November 18, 2013, 02:55:59 AM
Awesome. Thanks a lot guys. And thanks for the link Dutch, just what I was looking for. I gave power to the breadboard and the cap had .5 volts of charge after everything was disconnected and it slowly drained with my multimeter :)
Open Discussion / Capacitor Discharge
November 17, 2013, 09:11:52 AM
Hello All,

First post and I hope this is not a dumb question and someone can help me out. How do you discharge capacitors? I have searched and googled and haven't found anything related to my situation. Is this something you only have to worry about on high voltage systems. The reason I ask is I'm trying to design my own pedal on a breadboard and ordered a 0.047 microfarad orange drop cap that is 200v (didn't realize how huge it was). Does that mean it stores more energy as opposed to a 50v cap? Can I discharge it with a multimeter? If so how do I do that? Do I need to discharge it with resistors? If so any information would be greatly appreciated. I built my first pedal a couple of months ago from a kit and I've spent the last few months learning as much as I can about circuits and effect design. I don't won't to make a stupid mistake and kill myself out of ignorance. :) Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.