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Messages - nottoohigh

Use a 24k resistor in series with a 50k pot (just lugs 1 and 2). When the pot is at 0, the resistance will be 24k.

Thanks Jon for a speedy reply! By that does it mean connect the 24K across lugs 1 and 2, or just connect one end of the 24K to either lug 1 or 2? Sorry, I've not done such a thing before.
Quote from: midwayfair on June 25, 2012, 11:46:29 PM
Ghost Note - Afterlife with Sensitivity knob.

Brian suggested that fiddling with R7 could change the sensitivity. So I put a minimum resistance of 24K on a 50K pot. Stock settings are near the center. CCW is more dynamics and headroom before it squishes, and CW is squishier with a hint of bloom. I highly recommend this mod if you use multiple guitars with different pickup outputs.

Hi! First time poster here. I know this thread is very old but am hoping Jon or someone else can answer this as I am interested in building an Afterlife with the sensitivity pot mod:

Question is trying to understand how you "...put a minimum resistance of 24K on a 50K pot. "

I haven't found any clear answer to this after doing some googling and such. Thanks!