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Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Smoothie build question
January 19, 2014, 08:57:33 PM
I guess this is the project where I get plenty of experience with desoldering. Hah. I've done it a few times, but not with ease. I will definitely take my time with this. Thanks everyone.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Smoothie build question
January 18, 2014, 07:26:51 PM
Looking at the resistors, it looks like you are right, I have 10 ohm where I should have 10k ohm. Looks like I have some desoldering to do! Amateur hour over here.

I double checked the capacitor polarities and they look right to me.

I'll replace the resistors and if I have further problems, I'll get the voltage readings of the opamp pins.

Thanks everyone!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Smoothie build question
January 11, 2014, 07:28:32 PM
(1) Project Name

(2) General description of the problem
Completed assembly of the board. I am testing it, but I do not get any sound through the board using an unamplified signal. I made an audio probe to see why I wasn't getting sound. I found that I was able to get thin sound through the board from my computer's audio signal, but I don't get any sound coming through using an unamplified signal like a guitar.

This is my first build, so I wonder if maybe I am missing something simple.

(3) Steps that you have taken to try to resolve the issue
I have checked the components with the build instructions, and I have gone over each connection as well. I have checked all of my cables, and plugged the guitar straight into the amp to determine that it isn't a bad cable or connection.

(4) List any substitutions you used for parts/values

Here are pics of top and solder side,xXuNFTi#1
