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Messages - zick

Thanks for the replies! The tip to check the led resistors put me on the right track. The problem turned out to be my wiring. I accidentally put the resistor for the drive status led in series with the resistor for the high gain status led resulting in too much resistance for the high gain led to be able to emit enough light. Many thanks!

A little bit off topic: Can anyone maybe tell me how to locate a drain resistor for jfets? I have some effects in which I want to bias the jfets by replacing the drain resistors for trimpots. I know the values of the drain resistors but there are more resistors in these effects with this same value and I do not know how to locate the right ones. I am just starting out in electronics..
Hi Jimilee, Thanks for your reply. None of my wiring is shielded and I have used normal red 5mm leds...
Hi everyone. I have just built the boneyard V1 which was a lot of fun to do and it sounds fine. The only problem is that the status led of the high gain channel burns very weakly in the following situations: The high gain status led does burn brightly when only the boost switch is also engaged. However when  the high gain and crunch channels are engaged only the crunch channel status led burns brightly and the high gain status led is then barely visible. When the crunch and boost channels are engaged their respective leds burn brightly but the high gain status led is barely visible. When all three channels are engaged I am measuring 1,69 Volts at the high gain status led while the other two status leds are getting around 1,86 Volts. I am measuring the mentioned Voltage differences as soon as the crunch channel is engaged in addition to the high gain channel. Nothing happens with this Voltage at the high gain status led when only the boost channel is engaged in addition to the high gain channel.  I guess the problem of the high gain led visibility must be in the Voltage drop?

Can I solve this by using a lower value current limiting resistor for the high gain status led? Right now I have followed the directions in Madbean's manual for the V1 and have used 4k7 on all status leds. All my wiring, including the led wiring, is exactly the same as in the manual for the V1.

Any help would be much appreciated!