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Messages - InsaneKane

Build Reports / Re: Mudbunny & Kingslayer
December 22, 2013, 10:32:58 PM
Thank you all for the compliments.  :)
I still hate the sanding part. Don't know why, but I just hate it.
But if the etch comes out nicely, I guess it's worth it.

Build Reports / Mudbunny & Kingslayer
December 21, 2013, 08:55:45 AM
Hello, I thought I'll share these builds here too.
I ordered couple pcb's and just wanted to thank you MBP for awesome job. Without your pcb's it would be pain in the arse to fit those klon's into 1590B sized enclosures.
After testing it for a while, I chose 2n7000 for clippers instead of led's.
Used ICL7660SCPA and it works just fine. It will motorboat if all the clippers are off and gain is past 11 o'clock.

I used MBP layout and ethed this mudbunny by myself. I sat down like couple of hours and just played simple licks and rolled my Les Pauls knobs. It's awesome pedal for noodling around.

I still have MBP tone machine pcb and I can't wait to get it done.  ;)