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Messages - HailToTheBlues

Open Discussion / Aux sends module?
May 03, 2017, 08:48:37 PM
Hi guys,
For the studio i've been setting up for some time now, i will need eventually to set an headphone mix system so that musicians recording can actually hear each other and have specific volumes of each instrument in their headphones, but to do that i would a mixer with aux sends, atleast six, and since i use a usb interfaces and daw, i don't have any need for a mixing board. So i was thinking if there was any equipment with only aux sends to use for headphone mixing. Someting like the attached image with six inputs and six outputs, connecting the outputs of my interface to the input of the aux sends individually and then sending them through the outputs, all the way to the headphone amps. A bit like a module of the aux sends in a mixer, but without the pre/post option since it wouldn't have any faders at all. Is there anything like this available, or even a diy option? Any thoughts?

Quote from: diablochris6 on February 17, 2017, 07:29:51 AM
The most obvious answer is to build ALL OF THEM.

Ahah probably the best path to take!
Hi guys, thank you for the replies, but you re not making this easier, because not only I can't decide between the Moodring and chasm, now I have the Tesseract to add to the equation (which I find really interesting).
Hey guys, it has been a while since I've posted anything, but it feels good to be finally back at work. So, currently I'm deciding which reverb project to build. I'm looking for really huge ambient and strange tones, to use either with guitar or a microbrute, to get some experimental/psychedelic sounds with a delay pedal and maybe a flanger (next project). So I'm checking out the Tenebrion, the chasm reverb and the Moodring reverb. Which one in your opinion would suit this best? Any other suggestions apart from the projects I'm checking out?

Best regards
Quote from: Jebus on February 15, 2016, 09:36:59 PM
Quote from: HailToTheBlues on February 09, 2016, 02:51:55 PM
Hi guys,  I finally got time to do the clean blend mode and the thing is,  when it's on minimum, the musket sounds fine and how it's supposed to be sounding, then as you rotate the  blend pot, it doesn't feel like it's adding clean but sort of trading the fuzzy signal for clean,  and at the max blend,  it has only clean.  Is this how blends are supposed to work? (I highly doubt that)

Yes, that is how it is supposed to be. Its a blend between dry and wet (fuzz) sound.

But is it supposed to be giving me only clean signal when the blend is on max?
Any help here guys?
I ended up using the Vero layout from tag board. I connected the "in" from the blend to the 3pdt's lug that you connect the fuzz "in" and did the same with the out. The send was connected to the fuzz in and the return was connected to the fuzz out,  so I don't know if the issue is due to a wrong connection. If it is due to phasing issues, is there a solution for it, or does it  mean this fuzz can't take a buffer properly?
Hi guys,  I finally got time to do the clean blend mode and the thing is,  when it's on minimum, the musket sounds fine and how it's supposed to be sounding, then as you rotate the  blend pot, it doesn't feel like it's adding clean but sort of trading the fuzzy signal for clean,  and at the max blend,  it has only clean.  Is this how blends are supposed to work? (I highly doubt that)
Hi guys,
Thank you for the replies! Cody's suggestion looks great but i don't think it would fit in the enclosure since i usually drill the 3pdt hole really close to the end of the enclosure. I also liked Kalle's option, but now i'm interested in knowing if it would be a good option, due to the fact that i would be adding a buffer to the circuit of a BMP based pedal. Any help?
Hi guys,
A couple weeks ago i started a thread asking for help about tweeking a musket fuzz, and you suggested adding a clean blend pot, but a couple days ago i noticed the thread had been deleted, and i can't remember if i posted anything that could violate any terms of our forum, but i think i posted the usual "help thread" stuff ahah but anyway, could i get help from you guys on how to had the blend pot in a vero musket fuzz?

Best regards,
Open Discussion / Layout for ad-9 delay?
May 21, 2015, 01:38:42 AM
Hey guys,
So a guy asked me if i could build him a clone of the Ibanez Ad-9, but i can't find any layout available for perfboard, or any pcb for it anywhere. I did find the schematic, but i'm still really in the beginning of learning how to read them and apply them, so it's still really hard for me to build a pedal based only in a schematic, many pages left for reading! 
So any help here?

Best regards!
General Questions / Re: Cupcake 1n34a substitute
May 21, 2015, 01:34:00 AM
Ok then guys, thanks for the replies, really helpfull!

Best regards!
General Questions / Cupcake 1n34a substitute
May 18, 2015, 09:14:22 PM
Hi guys,
So a friend asked me to build him a compressor and i was going to make him a cupcake (orange squeezer) since i have a pcb for it lying around. I noticed it had a 1n34a in D1, and since this diodes are not particulary easy to get, is there a good substitute for it in this project? Or is it crucial to be used a 1n34a?

Also, do i need to match the two transistors, or can i use any 2n5457?

Best regards
Quote from: luks999 on May 12, 2015, 07:48:45 PM
hm maybe a tranny fried?
maybe the lamp driver?
ive only had such thing with the neovibe when i wired my speed pot wrong... lamp light but wasnt blinking
any news on this?

I forgot to update this post. The problem solved on it's own, it started again without me doing anything, and it's still working without any issues, so i'm still confused, and waiting for it to let me down again (hope not). Thanks for the reply, thought.
Open Discussion / Re: analog synth project?
May 12, 2015, 01:46:54 PM
I wouldn't be using the rtg alone, that would be a bit boring, i'll use it with effects, and i wanted the synth to have an input, so i could mess with the signal from the rtg, it would be like if i recorded a loop on a analog keyboard synth, like a microbrute from arturia, and then mess with the controls in order to change the waves, oscillations, all that stuff. Is that possible? It would be an analog synth, but instead of having a keyboard, the input signal would be the rtg.
Btw, the atari looks interesting, even thought it's not what i'm looking for!