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Messages - meelertime

Thanks, I can definitely check that. It should be the center pins I think since they both have some of the red stuff from the core soldered to them. Does it matter which pin goes where on the board? Like a pos/neg?
I think I can manage a way to mount it - thanks for the info. One other quick question: do I just use the top two (highlighted in the pic) Vox pads on the board and leave the bottom pad out?

A friend of mine gave me an old Crybaby so I decided to change it to a Weener Wah II using the single side pcb etch and the old Crybaby inductor. However, looking at the pins on the inductor, I'm not sure how it should actually mount to the pcb — any ideas? In the doc it has a hole pattern for Vox, but it's only 3 pins.

Turns out it was a bad psu. Apparently the Visual Sound One Spot isn't a reliable source of power  :-\
I changed out C1 to make sure it wasn't bad, still the same problem. Anyone have any ideas? I feel like there's an issue either at C1 or R2 since they are both connected.
Required info:
Name - Karate Shop (single sided layout)
Problem - No audio out/low volume at first cap
Steps Taken - Checked for solder bridges, checked parts, hooked up to test unit to check with audio probe, checked incoming voltage with multimeter
Subbed Parts - none

I need to also note that this is my first time etching a board, but I've checked continuity on a few iffy spots and it seems to be ok. So far, I've powered up the device and used my audio probe with the schematic to find a problem spot, which seems to be the first cap.  I'm using a 2n2 cap as suggested in the BOM, and I'm noticing a giant volume drop on the second leg of the cap as shown in the attached image.  It's barely audible at that solder joint. I've never really run into anything like this before and I'm not sure how to proceed. Please let me know if you need more info or voltages.

Also, to specify, the volume drop only occurs at the joint where it's labeled, the other leg is fine.
I haven't swapped the tubes yet but plan on doing it later. I find the effects loop to be a little lacking; I tried running my pod hd 500 through it using the 4 cable method (distortion to the pre, reverb to the power) and it sounds pretty bad. It feels like the effects loop starves the amp of power. I love the built in power soak though and rarely take it off of 1W. It pairs really well with the Vox V212NT cab.
Great job! I've got the Tubemeister 18 as well; how do you like yours? I really dig the breakup on the clean channel.
Well, for my first build I couldn't be any happier with it. I still need to work in the feedback mod but there's plenty of time to do that later. After I get this guy boxed I'm moving on to the Boneyard v1, which should be an adventure all it's own. Once again, thanks for all the help; it's nice to have a community that takes the time and effort to help new guys troubleshoot common problems.
LOL, I feel like an idiot! The pedal is working perfectly now!

The problem was I reversed the image of the pcb to help me trace down where the circuit path while looking at the solder side of the pcb, and I forgot that the picture of the diode is reversed. Thanks for the all the help guys, and I'm looking forward to my next build!
Well, after looking at the attatchment I think I see my problem. It looks like I put the diode in backwards.
I don't believe it's a zener diode, but I'm including some pictures for you. Also, I tried another diode with the same results.
OK, it looks like a bad AC adapter was causing me some issues with the readings. I just tried a different adapter and I'm reading 9v at the 9v spot on the board. That being said, it doesn't look like current is passing through the diode at all. I checked for continuity and grounding and it was fine, but I don't read anything on one side of the diode. I've illustrated where I'm currently getting readings.
Will do on the reflow; any idea why the readings jump around like that though?
The voltages seem to be jumping around a lot and I'm having trouble getting a good reading; am I doing something wrong here? I shot a quick video of what it looks like.