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Messages - kost2112

Hi all,
i have an issue with one of my pedals, ehx grafic fuzz, so if anyone could help me i'd be glad.
When the pedal is switched off the signal passes through normally, but when i press the button of the ehx, the signal does not pass at all although the LED is on, so i guess there is no problem with the current that makes the pedals work.
I could upload a photo of the pcb if you think it could be helpfull.
Thanks in advance.
i wonder if i can use a LM78L05ACZ voltage regulator instead of LM78L05. Is there any difference between them? It's a bit difficult for me to find a LM78L05 and all i can find is the LM78L05ACZ. If there is a big difference and you know where to find the LM78L05 i'm looking for, please post a link if you don't mind so i can get it...
thanks in advance ;)
i'm want to make the Cave Dweller delay and it's my first try on DIY you think it's a difficult start?
Build Reports / Re: Cave Dweller Build
June 23, 2013, 02:10:21 AM
everything seems great, well done. you know, i want to make this project and i'm a bit confussed on something. in your photo i see you have a big capacitor on the second collumn from left. in the project's diagramm i see that there has to be two capacitors and three resistors (C10,C2,R1,R2,R8 according to the diagramm) beneath the C3. Instead of that you have a big capacitor. im i seeing something wrong or did you made a change? i'm a noob in all this and i would really like your guidance. thanks in advance  ;)
thank so much...i hope my first pedal will work properly... :P
i'm a newbie in this forum and also newbie in making pedals so i'd like your help in something that maybe sound silly...
well, as i read in the guide for a particular pedal, i have to use 750k, 1M resistors etc., caps, diodes....etc. But i don't know if i have to use 1/4W or 1/8W resistor, or should it be metal or film or ceramic resistor. Also for the caps. I don'tknow which particular type of these components to use.
Any help would be more than appreciated....