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Messages - pimpifax

Thanks very much for your answer!!
To prevent crossposting i may want to refer to the same problem i posted here in the diystompboxes forum.

I´m not only new in this forum. Also in (building) electronics. As well english isn´t my mother tonge, so i hope my writing isn´t to bad...

So i already build this PWM pedal which works quite fine. ;)
My second project will be this analog bit crusher. But my Problem is that i want to manipulate the sound while playing. Which means i want to include an input for an expression pedal or better an CV (controlled Voltage) input that is also used with synths. I already have a midi 2 CV converter and this would allow me also to use a recorded process. So:

- Is it possible to include an expression pedal better a CV input?
- Is CV and exp pedal the same anyway?
- Can someone post me a link, a Schematic, or an instruction how i have to do it or how i should be done?
