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Messages - EdgarMadHook

I'm not really bothered about loosing higher speeds. I'm not particularly keen on that side of the effect.
I'm just trying to find a good phaser build that's a little more interesting than the Phase 45 build I was going to do.

I've only ever socketed transistors before but I might try & socket the capacitors while I ticker with the levels.

Thanks for the quick advice.

So, they're each 10uF and the sweep (based loosely on what I hear from the YouTube demo) seems to be about 15 seconds long at it's slowest. I'd like to go higher than a 22uF cap, if possible. What's the next common size up & would that be OK?

Also, would I just switch out BOTH caps for higher values?

Thanks for your help!
That's it really.

I know that an MXR Phase 45 can be easily modded by inreasing capacitor values & lowering a resistor value.
Can the same be done with this circuit? I'd love to get close to a 30-45 second sweep length.