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Messages - ravendark

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Stage fright
February 28, 2015, 06:00:09 AM
The transistors were in correctly. I reflowed all of the solder joints on the board and the pedal came to life. :D
Thanks for your help!!


At the risk of sounding harsh, your soldering on that board is pretty rough.  There are a lot of joints that look dull rather than shiny (check out that huge one right in the middle, probably one leg of C6) and many that look like the solder just rode the lead up through the hole rather than bonding to the pad.  Make sure you are touching the pad and the lead simultaneously with the iron.  When you reflow, add a little fresh solder to kickstart the process (unless the pad is already swimming in it).

Its not harsh. Its the truth. That board was definitely not my best solder job. Thanks for the feedback.  ;)

On the plus side I found the problem and took care of it. The switch was killing the wet signal, so I put in a couple of jumpers and... viola! It lives.

Thanks for all the help!!
Quote from: mgwhit on February 27, 2015, 02:55:17 AM
Quote from: ravendark on February 27, 2015, 02:13:27 AM
I am getting audio from pins 9, 12, 14, and 15 on the pt2399s.

If you are getting repeats on those pins on IC3, then your 90% of the way home.  It's just a matter of tracing the audio back out through the Mix pot to the second TL072 op amp.

Test at R20, C20, lugs 2 & 3 of the Mix pot, C23 and R24.  From R24 on, any signal should be making it back out with your dry signal.

I can trace the audio through the mix pot to R24. the signal volume is really low coming out of R24 but it seems to be there. I tried touching up the solder joints on those resistors and caps to no avail. I think I might try and replace R24 tomorrow to be on the safe side.
The TL072 seems to be fine. (at least I would assume that it is since I get an output even if it is only the dry signal)
Quote from: selfdestroyer on February 26, 2015, 10:18:47 PM
Quote from: ravendark on February 26, 2015, 04:00:30 AM
I am getting audio from pin 7 on the TL072, but it is the dry signal with no repeats.
Here are the voltages I am getting from the chips
Pin3 and 5- 4V
pin 2- 3.6V
pin 1- 4.9V
pin 6- 2.4V
I am not sure what other pins I should take readings off of.

and some pics

Nothing jumping out at me with your pictures. What about Q1 & Q2, what are the voltages of them? When you said you were gettting delayed output on the PT2399, was that from all the output pins (9, 12, 14, 15) ?

I am getting audio from pins 9, 12, 14, and 15 on the pt2399s.
and the voltages on Q1 and Q2 are 0.05V on the collector, 0.6V on the base and 2.3V on the emitter.

Thanks for helping me out!  :)   I really appreciate it!
I am getting audio from pin 7 on the TL072, but it is the dry signal with no repeats.
Here are the voltages I am getting from the chips
Pin3 and 5- 4V
pin 2- 3.6V
pin 1- 4.9V
pin 6- 2.4V
I am not sure what other pins I should take readings off of.

and some pics

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Stage fright
February 26, 2015, 02:43:02 AM
I do have a DMM. Here are the voltages

on all LM13700
Pins 1 and 16- 1.2V
Pins 3 and 14- 4.2V

Pins 5, 7 and 8- 4.2V
pin 10- 3.5V

Pins 3 and 5- 4.2V
pin2- 3.8V

Here are a couple pics

thanks for the help!

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Stage fright
February 25, 2015, 07:06:10 AM
That's correct. I get the signal without phasing. when I turn the trimpot, it effects the signal, but I don't actually get the phasing with the lfo.
I am having trouble with my zero point dd. I am only getting the dry signal in the output. I used an audio probe and I can get the delay signal from both pt2399s and I know for certain that the tl072 is good. I also replaced the dpdt switch just to be sure that the switch was good. I am all out of ideas on what could be causing the issue. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Stage fright
February 25, 2015, 06:15:33 AM
I am having this exact same problem. I also tried reflowing the solder on the trim pot with no luck. What else should I look for to try and fix this issue?
Open Discussion / Re: CAN'T DECIDE!!!
December 04, 2013, 12:22:06 AM
It looks like he fixed the reversed pot issue
Thanks man! I really appreciate the help.
So I am fairly new to building pedals and thought I would try to build a Mangler. I am about to buy all of the parts I need and am curious about what transistors I should use. I am thinking of purchasing a couple of d3-PNP germainiums from smallbear.( see link)

But I am not sure how well they would work in this circuit. I also have a few NPN-2N3904 transistors but I am not sure what I would have to change in the circuit for them to work. From my understanding I would simply switch the polarity on the electrolytic caps and the battery, but is there anything else I would need to do to use NPN transistors in the Mangler?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks- Tony