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Messages - zRobertez

I'll remember that next time.
But it worked! It was only the wiring and it runs perfectly off of a normal onespot adapter.
Thanks a lot, man!
Bump for a new issue... lol I'm having trouble with the wiring and have updated the OP to reflect my current situation.
General Questions / Re: Road Rage + MXR M117r help
April 28, 2013, 05:58:56 PM
Thanks for all the info guys! I eventually got it out. I pretty much had to unscrew/pull/ease out everything that was removable before it came undone.
Unfortunately I ended up smashing the adapter input somehow into millions of tiny plastic bits :(
No worries! I ordered another and in a few days when it gets here, I'll try again. For now, I'm just going to keep track of all the pieces and keep the pcb unattached to anything. I will chime in more if I get stuck again!
Hi! I've got an MXR M117r and a road rage charge pump. I've got the Road Rage all put together and wired up. But I think I need help with the wiring as this is my first foray into the modding/building world outside of complete kits. So when I turn my m117 on, I get nothing. I believe this 18v pedal should easily run off of a standard 9v but I think I may be off with the wiring.

Here is the wiring I've done so far.

If you can't see in the picture, I'll lay out what is wired to what here:

The tip of the DC in is wired to one of the +9 pads on the RR
The sleeve of the DC in to the corresponding ground pad by the first one the line above
The +9 pad next to the other two is wired to the tip pad on the PCB
The ground pad next to the three above is wired to the sleeve pad on the PCB
The 18v pad on the RR is wired to the remaining hole on the DC pads on the PCB

I'm not sure what to do with the final wire, it is soldered to the ground pad next to the 18v pad on the RR

Here is the RR wiring diagram for reference

Any direction is appreciated! Thanks a bunch!