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Messages - bram2000

Hi, Yes I've desperately been trying to debug this board for the last week or so. As such I've pretty much trashed it; desoldered a load of components and even cut a chunk out of the board... to no avail.

Can you confirm that the left hand pad of C5 is a printing error?
I think I've found the problem... I reckon the PCB is faulty.

Take a look at the photo attachment. I've highlighted the C5 Capacity pads. One of the pads is incomplete and appears to connect to ground, where according to the block diagram neither of the pads of C5 should be connected to ground.

Can someone who knows a bit more about this than me take a look at the picture and confirm my theory either way?

I'm pretty sure the multimeter is working; I can test other parts of the board which are not connected and it will not react, but across the pads of C5 it beeps. R10 is the same, as are the B and E on Q2.

I'm assuming there must therefore be a bridge somewhere between those two sections, but strangely also to ground somewhere. I can't see any evidence of a bridge on either side of the board. Am tempted to start desoldering components from that section, but not really sure what I'm hoping to achieve with that to be honest.

Thanks for all of your help
Hi again.

I'm stumped with my build now. Have completely removed the burned part of board around the R8 leg but the ground loop remains. One strange thing I've noticed is that the two legs of C5 show to be connected using the continuity mode on my mutlimeter.

Any ideas? I'm about ready to move on...  :'(
Hi Jacob,

It's a board I bought from madbean so manufactured. I'm considering trying to file any remaining solder from the hole with something, and then if I can actually split it from ground again I can just solder the leg of R8 to another component directly (so avoiding this damaged hole). I don't have a file small enough but can try to find one. Does this sound reasonable? Are there any standard tricks for this kind of thing?

Hi Jacob, thanks for the help!

I think I may have found a problem. I've been doing a continuity check and both sides of R9 seem to be connected to ground as do the collector and base legs of Q2. Trouble is I can't see any touching components or bridged solder. The only thing I'm suspicious of is that I had to replace R8 and in the process sligthly burned the pad nearest the edge. I've lifted this leg out and removed almost all of the solder from the hole, but the problem remains. Do you reckon this could cause my apparent ground issue?

Hi, Thanks for the response.

Sorry for the further newb question, but presumably I have to test those components using a multimeter rather than the audio probe? I don't get signal from any of those components with the probe.

Thanks again,

Firstly hello everyone, I'm very new here. I've just completed my first build of a Violet Rams Head MudBunny, and am having some problems. I've built the basic test rig as per the instructions on this site (it's great!) and have tested the board using the audio probe. It's good up until one side of the R8 resistor; the other side of R8 is dead. I've replaced R8 but the problem remains. Have checked both resistors using a multimeter and they both check out fine at ~8.2kΩ. I'm a bit lost as to what the problem could be (the electronics I learned in school is beyond rusty).

Can anyone suggest some further debugging steps?
