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Messages - lwatford

Rookie mistake...wrong value resistor. Works great now.
Think I see it...
Just finished a Total Recall, and the delay is working and sounds great. The modulation knob isn't introducing any modulation.

Voltages on IC9 are

I get a nice sharp Triangle wave at Pin 7, and pin 2 on the Mod pot when it's all the way up. I can hear the delay time change when I move the mod pot. I've swapped IC9, reflowed everything around the modulation/clock section.

Any thoughts? Maybe I'm missing something easy?

General Questions / Re: Deluxe Memory Man LFO thumping
November 21, 2018, 03:46:08 PM
Thanks for the ideas. I got my audio probe back out, and the ticking/thumping (I'll make a recording later) is pretty much everywhere after the input IC. Also checked voltages, everything seems to be right (using the voltages in the Total Recall build doc for reference).

There's no change with the modulation depth, and I can hear it with everything except blend turned all the way down. I haven't noticed any change with the wire routing, I may end up changing them out, as they're the brittle old stuff that EHX used to use.

For filtering across the LFO opamp, would it just be across pins 4 & 8? What sort of value would you start with?

General Questions / Deluxe Memory Man LFO thumping
November 18, 2018, 02:50:15 AM
Need some thoughts on a repair.

I bought a '81 Deluxe Memory Man that wasn't working.
I've got it working and it sounds great, aside from what I think is LFO bleed. There's a thumping that changes speed with the Chorus/Vibrato switch, and it's always there, no matter any other settings with the blend up.

I'm just not sure where to start looking on this. I replaced the electrolytic and tantalum caps as well as one opamp in the process of getting it working.
I can add pictures, and whatever else you guys might think would be helpful.
Thanks for any ideas!
Found a power jack with the internal nut that I got from Small Bear (I think the other two might have been Tayda), and it fits much better!
Does anyone else have issues with the EHX power supply plug not fitting firmly in the standard DC jack? I've tried one of the mini jacks and one of the standard jacks, and both have issues with connection (which cause the delay to freak out).

Build Reports / Total Recall build
August 05, 2017, 10:29:24 PM

First time trying waterslide decals for labeling, I think it turned out okay. I had originally used a pair of old MN3005s, but one of them was bad, so I used a pair of the new Xvive chips (the one good old one is going back into my Aquaboy Deluxe). It sounds great, like the best of the old memory men I've owned (I've had 5-6 in the past).
Build Reports / 1590a Cupcake Orange Squeezer
December 12, 2013, 01:48:11 AM
This was a "wonder if I can pull this off" project...

It all fits and works (so far!), but it's tight in there.
Build Reports / Aion Eclipse and Prism builds
November 29, 2013, 11:52:48 PM
just finished up these two builds (well, other than finish), and they're great! Nice boards, pretty easy builds.

Eclipse - Korg SDD preamp. I did the +/-15v build, and I love what it does at the end of a chain of pedals. I used a real Korg SDD for a long time, and this sounds very close to how I remember it coloring the sound.

Prism - Boss FA1 FET Preamp - again, very nice, I like it at the front of the chain, both as a bit of boost, but more so as a tone shaper for different guitars (dull Ric neck pickup, etc).

Still hate those plastic jacks, but I like the there anything better?

Not sure what I want to do for finish on these, I actually really like the "grain" of the boxes...maybe try etching?
Build Reports / Re: 1590a Thunderpuss
April 16, 2012, 12:56:13 AM
Quote from: midwayfair on April 13, 2012, 01:51:17 PM
You got the board fairly low inside so it looks very comfortable - is it a 9mm pot, or did you use something larger?

Just a regular 16mm. I did have to change out one of the electrolytic caps to a smaller version to get it fit.
Build Reports / Re: 1590a Thunderpuss
April 12, 2012, 08:49:51 AM
Quote from: gtr2 on April 12, 2012, 12:26:19 AM
Nice.  How what paint are you using?  That looks really good.


Rustoleum Hammered. I love it, stays pretty durable, and the textures come out different each time. Plus, it's pretty hard to mess it up!
Build Reports / 1590a Thunderpuss
April 12, 2012, 12:18:53 AM

I'm not a fan of these particular enclosed jacks, but it worked. I had to turn the board 90° to make it all fit.
Quote from: nzCdog on April 01, 2012, 10:19:54 PM
Using LED/LDR? Might be to do with your parts choices?  I imagine superbright LEDs wouldn't work very well, maybe you could experiment with different parts

I'm using an opto (VLT5C1)

Quote from: madbean on April 01, 2012, 11:09:14 PM
Two suggestions: Increase R12 to lower the intensity of the the LED brightness and/or reduce the value of the BAL control to 10kB/C to reduce the amount of signal cutoff of the guitar signal. I think the R12 thing is probably what you are after.

I tried that, and it helped a little, but it still seems like a square wave to me. Out of curiosity, I put an LED inline with the Opto, and it pulses a square wave, not a smooth sine or even a triangle wave. Anyone care to check theirs?
Finished a Double Flush a few weeks ago, it sounds good, but it's a bit choppy for me (even with the intensity all the way down). I can't quite tell from other demos (of the Tremulator and the few Trembulator clips I've found) but they all seem to sound like mine. Is there a way to calm it down a little?