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Messages - muddyfox

interesting. i've been using yellow stuff (uhu brand) simply because there's nothing else to buy around here. i never even heard of the blue stuff until i started building pedals. no issues with the yellow stuff, though..
Here's my half a nickel on the subject, fwiw... What I do is I have a small breadboard like so

I have two 100k pots (only because I had nothing smaller at the time of construction  ::) ), a battery clip and two positions marked for leds. It serves two purposes:
- I can do what you describe, plug in one led, turn the pot to get the desired brightness and read the clr value off the pot and
- building mostly dual pedals, i can match two leds of different colors for intensity. I don't know where you do your led shopping but bulk leds from China can really differ in mcd output, even from the same bag. So I just plug in the two leds I'm actually going to use in a pedal and turn the pots until I like what I see

So I basically do clr on a single-case basis, never a fixed value like 1k or 4k7 or whatnot. Because sometimes I build for someone who's mostly gonna play in the sunlight and he specifically asks for a bat-signal, retina-scorching deal and sometimes I build for a bedroom noodler who wants to skip taping the led over because it turns his room into a shady Amsterdam district.  8)
Having said that, when I build for myself, those superbrights usually get anything from 15k-40k depending on the color, on rare occasion even more.
and you thought that the last sale was a board packing nightmare, Brian... :) I hope your papercuts are healed and your scotch tape dispenser fully loaded because here we come! lol
Open Discussion / Re: pedal documentary
November 13, 2013, 10:42:51 PM
Quote from: jimilee on November 13, 2013, 09:11:18 PM
I'm at work right now, what's the name of it?
It's called " fuzz - the sound that revolutionized the world "
Build Reports / Re: Update: Finished my first build!
November 07, 2013, 11:06:06 AM
Quote from: chromesphere on November 07, 2013, 07:24:37 AM
Although I feel somewhat like a crack dealer :D

Is your income in any way comparable?  ;)

Same here. Buying sight unseen, I highly doubt any of these is a dud. I don't really need any of these per se, but that never stopped me before.  ;D
Ten more days! I wish we could get BOMs for these ahead of time, Xmas mailing season is always the worst time to stock up on missing parts...
General Questions / Re: Tayda J201 and 2n5457
October 28, 2013, 07:13:31 AM
Quote from: kothoma on October 19, 2013, 10:28:36 AM
Where do you get MMBFJ201s or MMBF5457s in small numbers at reasonable prices?

I got me some J201s from Paul's store. Didn't shop around because I wanted to give him some of my business but the price felt reasonable.

I have this tiny contraption permanently plugged in my breadboard which contains two led positions and two B100k pots (what I had no use for at the time).
I use it not only to find the appropriate CLR value for any particular led (as the chinese bulk ones vary wildly in brightness), I also use it for brightness matching when the pedal calls for two (or more, or different color) leds. Comes in quite handy and doesn't take much space.
Open Discussion / Re: I swear it followed me home....
October 21, 2013, 03:50:14 PM

Normally I strongly dislike gold hardware but this one really is some serious eyecandy.
Congrats on the NGD (and NDOD  ;D)!
General Questions / Re: Tayda J201 and 2n5457
October 19, 2013, 01:37:34 PM
i got a handful (a thimbleful, really) from Paul's (chromesphere) webshop. if they are out of stock contact him directly, I'm sure he'll hook you up.
Global Annoucements / Re: Fall Sale coming
October 17, 2013, 01:04:10 PM

Just snagged me a ZeroPoint Super Deluxe and a Nautilus... now if only this crappy warm sunny weather would turn to something more build-friendly...  ::) ;D
Global Annoucements / Re: 08.24 - Maintanence complete
October 15, 2013, 01:07:48 PM

Brian, just letting you know. Ever since the update my Tapatalk access has been more and more flakey. It started off great but I haven't gotten a single post to show in Tapatalk in probably a week now.

FWIW, I'm using Tapatalk Pro v2.2.3...
Open Discussion / Re: Things I've learnt this weekend.
September 30, 2013, 08:20:51 AM

Quote from: Mike B. on September 30, 2013, 04:35:19 AM
Don't feel bad, I've been doing this for years and I still make silly mistakes - usually because I get in too much of a hurry. My favorite one I did recently was firing up a build with no ICs :)

had this sort of thing happen a few days ago. a snowwhite autowah just didnt work, boxed on faith that it would work. audioprobed my way through the circuit on the component side while still in the enclosure and found out i lost my signal just as it was entering the ic. took out ic, put in another, same thing. decided it was time to take it out of the box, turned it over, only to discover that the ic socket only had two diagonal opposite pins soldered to keep it in place. i totally forgot to solder all the other pins and it really is quite amazing the magnitude and the simplicity of an error one is capable of when soldering in the early AM.
is the led on a separate battery-led-clr-3pdt-ground circuit or is it part of the pcb? got a picture?

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