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Messages - muddyfox

Quote from: DutchMF on November 17, 2013, 08:04:54 PM
Or is that me being Dutch?  ;)

Well an old friend (I don't think I've seen him in the last 15 years, maybe even 20) once told me that "you ain't much if you ain't Dutch".
I guess the shoe fits with you..  ;D
Thanks for the offer, let me know what I need to do. I'll be building all three boards, I think I have most parts but if there's a group buy for parts other than the caps I'd still be in.

That'd be great, Paul! If it's not too much trouble... no rush, of course.
If you are set up to receive paypal monies, just charge a few De Molen Hels on me (tried some this spring in Amsterdam, that was damn fine!)...
Quote from: pickdropper on November 17, 2013, 04:53:58 PM

Are you in the UK? I just checked and Farnell has them, although they seem to be US stock.

Since these are hand soldered, it should be OK to to substitute 1210s if you want.  They are a bit wider than the 1206's, but it should be OK.  I can check the alignment tomorrow at work with some 1210s.  Farnell has plenty of different 47uF 1210 caps in their UK stock.

I'm in Croatia so Farnell is also on the expensive end, shipping-wise.
They also don't seem to have anything over 10V, not that it matters:

I did find this though, so if it fits it'd do I suppose:

Quote from: ch1naski on November 17, 2013, 04:40:32 PM
Is that a bias trimmer? You can usually be safe with a larger value, just makes it a bit harder to dial in the sweet spot.

Yes, that's the bias trimmer in Fuzzface part... I don't know what I'm looking for turning that trimmer anyways and my ear isn't always the best tool (contrary to what I'm often told).  :-[
These 1206 47uFs are impossible to source over here. Mouser's shipping is ridiculous.

Anyone willing to grab me a dozen and stuff it in an envelope? I'll pay any reasonable amount to cover the parts and shipping and a beer or three.
Quote from: pickdropper on November 17, 2013, 03:53:20 PM
I would check to make sure the 1206 cap kit actually includes the 47uF cap.  That's a fairly large (and less common) value, so I kind of doubt it's in the kit.

Good call, it only goes up to 1uF. Should come in handy anyways, no harm done.

Also, a question... I cannot seem to source 25k 3362P trims for a reasonable price. Can I substitute 20k or 50k?
Quote from: DutchMF on November 17, 2013, 03:58:17 PM
You must be a machine, I just looked up the dimensions on those, they're .6 x .3 mm!!!! I could inhale those and not notice.....

Well, he IS a pickdropper, after all...  ;)
Quote from: pickdropper on November 17, 2013, 03:25:37 PM
Yeah, all of the resistors are 0603.  Most of the caps are 0805, with the exception of the 47uF, which are 1206 because I wanted them to be 16V.

A set of 1206 caps and a set of 0603 resistors ordered off evilbay. Should be enough for a few boards...  ;D

Oh bollocks... I just read the builddoc and there are 0603 resistors there... And I thought I was safe ordering a 0805 resistor kit.  ::)
I guess it's back to fleabay for some 0603s and 1206s.
General Questions / Re: Sea Urchin caps
November 17, 2013, 10:54:49 AM
Thanks folks! I was really just making sure that there's no some redeeming quality to electros that makes them the best choice for a particular application (say power filtering) other than price/size/availability.

@Rully: yeah, I figured if I was gonna go with this smd thing that I was gonna go all the way. No th (other than wires and board-mounted pots). Makes me feel like I'm back to square one as my th stash is no help and whatever I need I need to source from China again.  ::)

As much as I'd like to, I really can't help you out right now as my zpsdx board is scornfully staring at me still unpopulated, but I'll keep my eye out on this thread. I hope for your sake you get to the bottom of this before I put the project together...  ;D
General Questions / Sea Urchin caps
November 16, 2013, 11:38:59 PM

Hello all!

I'm trying to drink the DipTrace Koolaid and at the same time get my feet wet with smd.
My question is which of the electrolytes on sea urchin can be replaced with non-electrolytes? I have both but I find 0805's somewhat easier to solder so I'd like to go with those if at all possible.
Or to put it another way, which electrolytes are necessary? Power filtering near the 7805? Output? The one on the pt2399?

they know more about me than I do myself and what they don't know they can find out in a New York minute so I don't mind...
Another brick in the wall!
You gotsta get paid and my paypal monies are on their way.

Best of luck with your endeavour and watch out for those derivatives! Or are you e^x?  8)