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Messages - gingataff

did you buy a pcb from madbean? if so, use the first layout.

if you are using an etched board use the second layout.

hope that helps.

Sent from my SC-02B using Tapatalk 2
Build Reports / Re: EÏGHT BAHL ... my Retrograde
May 13, 2013, 12:49:46 PM
Nice, I like the 8/octave theme. Clever ;)
Build Reports / Re: Another Soul Stomper
May 13, 2013, 12:23:13 PM
Very tidy!

The brushed case adds a bit of class too.
Looks cool.
Had chance to rock them yet?

1590a builds are not so bad once you get the switch and jacks wired in. Check out Pickdropper's guide if you haven't already.
Build Reports / Re: My FIRST build!
May 13, 2013, 03:57:25 AM
Looks great for a first build! I'm looking forward to your Buzzaround.
Build Reports / Tagboard Gainster
May 13, 2013, 03:50:20 AM
This morning I just finished off a tagboard Clark Gainster clone. I made the board last year, based off the turretboard layout here

It's not the tidiest but it took a while to find out where to put everything and I originally used a 10x2 board but found I only needed a 6x2 board. I improvised a piggyback daughterboard for the opamp.

Values are stock and I changed the ceramic cap to a mica between rocking it and boxing it. The enclosure is a gold hammertone 125b which I originally panned to use for a Kingslayer (that one will get a metallic gold case instead), still got room for a battery ;D

I'm probably going to change the knobs for either some brown Fender cupcakes or black retro type.

Oh yeah, and it sounds awesome!

Good to hear you're getting good tones!
Those Systech pedals get great Schenker tones eh?
I almost bought the Systech Overdrive once, which has a tone control that's like bandpass boost so it's similar to the Harmonic energizer. Lots and Zappa and Schenker in that one too.

As for the porkbarrel, I'm using a road rage for the 15v.
When I turn the depth up to about 1 o'clock I get distortion/clock noise in time with the LFO.

I removed the board from the case to see if it was interference from the dc jack and the led but that didn't help much. I even removed the roadrage and put it in its own enclosure, still no help.
I've used a 1 spot and a Voodoo Labs PP2+.
I seem to remember that it was ok running the roadrage from a battery but I'll need to try that again, I'm sure it will drain batteries pretty quickly though.

I might just build another roadrage and try that too.
Very Sweet! :D

I like the honey LED too.
Care to share?

I've got a touch of distortion on my porkbarrel when I run it at 9v, its clean at 15v (though that brings other problems). I have the LFO mod too.
Open Discussion / Re: Pedal Porn and a sad story
May 12, 2013, 01:07:25 AM
Think of it this way, you did your bit for trying to stop the vintage pedal madness.
Build Reports / Re: Re: Stage Fright
May 11, 2013, 09:42:10 AM
nice take on the original design.

now only if you could straighten up that ceramic cap;D

nah I'm kidding
sweet build.

Sent from my SC-02B using Tapatalk 2
Build Reports / Re: Re: Small Clone Clone
May 10, 2013, 11:35:22 AM
nice work inside and out!

Sent from my SC-02B using Tapatalk 2
thanks again!
the switches are the standard red ones from mammoth and the colored rubber caps are from small bear, they just push on.

Sent from my SC-02B using Tapatalk 2
Just mentioning this as I don't think it's been asked yet, is the transformer the right way around?
Build Reports / Re: A couple more Ross Comps
May 07, 2013, 03:16:38 PM
Nice man,
Super clean and your graphic style is unique.
The blue/silver one would look great on my pedalboard  8)