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Messages - mcallisterra

Build Reports / Re: ECHOwreck (Doombutter)
February 26, 2015, 03:58:29 AM
Thanks for the kind words guys!
Open Discussion / Affect just the wet on Rub a Dub
February 26, 2015, 01:03:08 AM
I was looking to build the Rub a Dub reverb and thought it would be cool to add something like a Smoothie to just the wet signal of the reverb on a switch so it could be bypassed. I thought it might be a cool effect to have phased reverb but the direct signal be intact and unphased (ha).

I asked Josh and he said he thought there would be an impedance mismatch and that it probably wouldn't work right without an opamp for buffering. I'm still a relative n00b, so would this be possible? More trouble than it's worth? I appreciate any ideas from you guys on how to make this work if it can be done :)
Quote from: midwayfair on February 25, 2015, 02:22:56 PM
See if you fix the issue with a buffer placed in front.
I'll give that a go! Thanks
It's an actual Crunch box, and it's after one other true bypass pedal (BYOC Envelope Filter), but they aren't ever on together really.
Quote from: midwayfair on February 24, 2015, 06:45:44 PM
If your issue is that the pedal gets dark when you roll it down, then there aren't too many overdrives that will solve that issue. The problem is that a lot of the high-end content comes from the upper harmonics that disappear when the gain goes down.

The absolute king of avoiding that problem is the Fuzz Face. Make one with a pregain control (and maybe bass control) and you can absolutely get any shade of distortion out of it you need to, while cleaning up (and actually getting brighter) perfectly with the guitar knob.

I have the Kinman-style treble bleed mod on all my single coil guitars, and all my other drives and distortions clean up just fine when rolling the volume back. For some reason the CB just turns to mush. I also have a Mangler which yes cleans up perfectly, but isn't 'middy' enough for me in a band setting.
Quote from: Tremster on February 24, 2015, 10:36:45 AM
Without having played it, mine arrived yesterday, but it sounds like the Superjudge could suit you:

This looks great, thanks! I'd love to hear what you think about it when you get it all built.
Quote from: Muadzin on February 24, 2015, 01:25:42 PM
I've always wondered what the obsession is with cleaning up dirt pedals by rolling back the guitar volume. If it were a single channel amp I could understand, but with dirt pedals if you want a clean sound, isn't the easiest solution just to switch it off?

In a live setting, I find it useful to roll the volume back in different parts of the same song, to take a bit of the 'scream' out of it. I'm not looking for an entirely clean sound when I roll it back, just to tame it slightly. Switching between pedals to achieve that is not only inconvenient (turning one off, turning the other on, not to mention taking extra pedals to gigs) it also would change the 'flavor' of drive unless you have two of the same, which again is redundant.

Some of the drive pedals I have do this wonderfully, but the Crunchbox sounds like garbage as soon as the volume knob on the guitar is backed off from 10.
Build Reports / Re: Rob A's Hyperbolic Fuzz
February 23, 2015, 05:58:44 PM
Looks great! What did you use for the lettering?
Build Reports / Re: ECHOwreck (Doombutter)
February 23, 2015, 01:07:53 PM
Quote from: Coda-effects on February 23, 2015, 12:08:27 PM
How did you manage to do the "3D effect" on the side letters ? It is really nice / professional looking !
Thanks! Another kind of happy accident really. My initial plan was to spray the pedal white, add those stick-on letters, spray it all black, and then remove the letters to reveal the white underneath. Once I had sprayed a few coats of the flat black though, the letters looked nice and sealed, and I too liked how it looked, so I just left them on there. I don't think they're going anywhere now since the edges are buried under a good few coats of that black.
Build Reports / Re: ECHOwreck (Doombutter)
February 23, 2015, 10:59:46 AM
Quote from: LaceSensor on February 23, 2015, 09:29:15 AM
kinda jack deville vibe to the black, knobs, layout of the controls.

I'd never even heard of Jack Deville pedals - just went and looked them up and you're right haha. Pretty similar to the Dark Echo.

Build Reports / ECHOwreck (Doombutter)
February 22, 2015, 11:25:14 PM
When I stumbled upon Haberdasher's discontinued PCB thread, I recognized almost all of them except the Doombutter. I didn't even know what the MidFi Clari(not) which is it based on was, so I promptly jumped on YouTube to check it out and fell in love with the weirdness. Totally bizarre glitchy delay vibrato fuzz combo that is supposed to simulate a broken/failing tape echo. Here it is!

A few firsts for me in this build:
- First time building a pedal NOT on a labelled PCB, but on Haberdasher's awesome etch. It showed up amazingly clean and perfect!
- First time using an LED/LDR combo
- First time drilling any holes in an enclosure (this was an old BYOC enclosure I had laying around, just needed to add a pot and LED hole)
- First time distressing a pedal.

I didn't intend to distress it originally. I finished it in flat black, and it looked perfect, but as I was trying to add a tiny drop of super glue to hold the LED in place, something went wrong and it went all over the face of the pedal. I didn't want to start over so I just decided to make this one look beat up. But then I thought it kinda fits the name I had decided on *and* the theme of this pedal, and so I'm actually glad it happened now.

Overall I love the sound of this. I did the 'fuzz lift' mod which I 100% recommend. I was expecting a bit of a one-trick-pony and that it would be fun to make stupid broken tape sounds, but I've managed to get some incredibly useful tones out of it, like a Beatles-esque ADT setting, and almost a glitchy chorus sound as well as straight up single-repeat modulated delay.

Thanks again to Keefe for an awesome etch!
I have an MI Audio Crunchbox which I quite like, although it is absolutely terrible at responding to you rolling your guitar knob down - it just turns to indiscernible mud.

Can you knowledgeable folk suggest some similar pedals I could build that perhaps clean up a little better when rolling the volume down? Really looking for that kind of mid to high gain Marshally crunch.

FWIW I mainly use a '65 DRRI.

Open Discussion / Re: Ouch
February 11, 2015, 12:41:32 AM

Found it. The constant replays are annoying, but it's worth it.
Open Discussion / Re: Ouch
February 11, 2015, 12:37:17 AM
There's a whole compilation one on YouTube somewhere that is just priceless. Bunch of kids filming themselves for the most part. There's some smashed lights, a headstock to the shin bone, and my personal favorite - one getting away from the guy and ending up in a pool.
Open Discussion / Re: Ouch
February 10, 2015, 02:53:25 AM
I always enjoyed this one.