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Messages - ichilton

Excellent! - thank you very much!

Did you see the question above about the pots?


Also... i've seen mention of the original using all linear pots - but you are using log for the vol & drive.

Did the real ones change in the later versions, or was that a change you made?


Ah, ok - do you have any of the schematics / gunshots you used stashed away still?

Did you compare it to a real one back then, or just work from the photos/schematics?


Thanks for that.

You don't still have the schematics you worked from stashed away do you? - i'd be very interested in seeing them.

I've not been able to find any others with the Mosfet mode other than the DeadRinger, so would be particularly interested in finding out if you have one with that part on!


Hi Brian,

Thank you for looking into that!

So based on what you've said, changing C6 (to a 47nF) and D2 (to 2x 1N4005) should make a DeadRinger sound just like the new sparkle blue Mosfet model? - the other changes are just auxiliary and you can't see anything else that looks different from the photos?

(Everyone reports the new one to sound much brighter than the old ones - would those two changes account for that do you think?)

As an aside, is the DeadRinger based upon one of the early "10th Anniversary Mosfet" edition? (red coloured??).

Did you build it from a real pedal, or find a schematic? make any changes of your own?


Global Annoucements / Re: Down time
March 14, 2013, 04:37:13 PM
Ah, ok - just checking you knew.

If it's a Linux server, I can try and help if that would be useful? - drop me a pm/email.

Global Annoucements / Re: Down time
March 14, 2013, 03:09:30 PM
Hi Brian,

Do you know your mail is bouncing?

Delivery to the following recipient has been delayed:

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Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by [].

The error that the other server returned was:
451 Temporary local problem - please try later

I found a good photo online:

It looks like C6 on the DeadRinger has changed from 100nF to 47nf (as per a Tubescreamer) - C7 on the photo (bottom middle).

You can also see the following (component labels refer to the photo, not the Deadringer):

- If you look on the left there, you can see D1 and D2 in series, then D6 going the other way, as madbean mentioned above. Then there is D10 which I assume is the 1N34A.

- Not sure what D9 is, just under that? - it looks like a resistor with only one band? - but it looks like it goes between the 2N7000's.

- In the top middle, there are 2 more 1N400x diodes - a different way of doing polarity protection instead of D3 on the DeadRinger maybe?

- Looking at the right hand side of the photo, there are 3x transistor packages, so there is now a Q5 (there was only 4 in the DeadRinger) - and another diode, D7 (there was only 4 in the DeadRinger)

Not sure what they are or where they go!

- The 220nF's (assume the value hasn't changed) connected to the tone pot (3rd along in the photo) have been changed to tantalum's.

Quote from: madbean on June 12, 2010, 07:02:18 PM
One additional note: looking at a few pics of the insides of the latest FD-2 version, I noticed there is a small change with the clipping setup. It looks like Fuller altered the back-to-back 1N4005/1n914 diodes. The newest change appears to be swapping the 1n914 for two 1n4005 in series. So, following the Deadringer schematic, you would leave D1 the same, but in place of D2 you would solder two more 1n4005's in series. This preserves the asymmetrical type clipping of the previous version, but increases the overall forward voltage with the two new diodes in series. Hence, his description of a more 'open' sound. So, this is technically an additional correction to both ver.1 AND ver.2 of the Deadringer.

That's interesting!

Looking for someone who has a Fulldrive 2 Mosfet who would be willing to do me a quick test?


I've read on a number of forums that the newer Fulldrive 2's, like the Mosfet version were changed to sound brighter.

I'm trying to find out what components were changed (and therefore if it's possible to mod a Deadringer to sound like the older darker ones).

Has anyone done any investigation on this?


Tech Help - Projects Page / DeadRinger Problems
March 09, 2013, 06:45:05 PM

I've completed a build of the DeadRinger (Fulldrive 2) - on a board done by Haberdasher (

The pedal generally seems to work ok, but i'm having a few odd problems and was hoping someone would be able to point me in the right direction to solve them?

- The pedal seems to work ok as long as the power socket isn't touching the metal box - it works when it's dangling loose, but if I put it in to the box, or even touch the box with it, it goes off. I've checked with a multimeter that the box is conducting with ground and not positive and it seems ok.

- The boost isn't working - the LED lights ok, i've checked the wiring and checked with the multimeter that the right contacts are touching on engaged and not, but even with the boost knob on full, the sound/gain doesn't seem to change when engaging boost.

- With the mode switch, I can't hear any difference in the top and middle positions. The bottom position is quieter and has a lot more gain (and conversly when switching to the middle position, it goes louder and has less gain), but then middle to top doesn't seem to make any difference.

How can I check which way round each of the switches are? - i.e how can I work out which is normal and mosfet and which is comp-cut, fm and vintage?


Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Deadringer problems
March 04, 2013, 10:24:32 AM

Anyone with a working one able to post the voltages?

I've built one and it's not working either :(



Ok, thanks.

I was hoping someone would know.

There is a little bit of detail in this thread, but it wasn't confirmed:


The problem is, i've not been able to find the old, non-mosfet schematic!
