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Messages - gingataff

second suggestion, is the enclosure grounded?

you have insulated jacks so that could be the problem. use a multimeter to check continuity between ground and the case.

if theres no continuity a simple solution is to remove one of the jacks, file a SMALL groove in the hole in the enclosure and use the jack to hold a ground wire in the groove.

Sent from my SC-02B using Tapatalk 2
those switchable jacks aren't disconnecting ground when the plug is inserted are they?

Sent from my SC-02B using Tapatalk 2
That's a mighty fine Weener... err... Juang.. err...

I'll get my coat.
Build Reports / Re: Re: 36. Pork Barrel chorus
May 21, 2013, 12:06:30 PM
nice and subdued ;)

I totally agree about the porkbarrel at 15v, sounds so much better.

I'm still struggling with mine though, time for major debugging.

Sent from my SC-02B using Tapatalk 2
Build Reports / Re: Duo-Vibe: a prototype
May 21, 2013, 01:39:05 AM
Sounds like a cool pedal.
And that finish is gorgeous
Good question, that's an odd shaped enclosure I found in an electronics shop.
Smaller than a 1590bb but taller, almost as tall as a 125bb.

The doc suggests a 125b or larger and I think it's going to depend on if you are using any tall components (especially the bigger electrolytics) and where you want to put the jacks. I used some big caps and standing resistors in mine so height was definitely an issue, moreso because of the rotary switch.

If pedal board space is no problem then a 125bb will give you plenty of room, the 1590bb or 125b will need careful planning but should be ok if you use small components.

I stole a good idea from Juan Solo which was to fit the jacks under the board. You need to use insulated jacks and be careful drilling the holes. You'll also need extra washers to act as spacers to keep the board high enough.
click on it ;)

;D I was fighting a deadline and a hangover when I recorded that.
The dipthonizer is quite different to the nautilus/mutron iii, a bit more unconventional but worth building IMO.

I look forward to your build.

Quote from: nzCdog on May 20, 2013, 01:44:51 AM
Awesome stuff man, super clean.  Really enjoyed your dipthoniser demo... now I NEED one 8)
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the comments.

This quality and support on this forum is inspiring and although I've still got a long way to go I've learned a lot from you guys.

The leads are covered with the insulation from the same brown wire that I used to wire the pedal, I thought it would be a nice match. I just stripped it off in long pieces and cut to length.

I'll probably do some transistor swapping at some point but too many other builds in the queue at the moment. ;D
Build Reports / Re: Re: v3205 Aquaboy Deluxe
May 18, 2013, 08:16:04 AM
nice work, it has some kind of '50s  live from las vegas vibe.

re the modulation not working.
I had that on my zero point mini and it was because I put the knobs on too low down and the pressure on the pot was disconnecting the wiper from the track.

Sent from my SC-02B using Tapatalk 2
Audio/Video Demos / Re: Re: modded Boneyard
May 18, 2013, 02:46:43 AM
didn't work for me, I had to search on the soundcloud site.

definitely worth running through cab impulses though. gives it that lynch/lee vibe.

Sent from my SC-02B using Tapatalk 2
Build Reports / Re: Re: Nautilus - 'deep sea' art
May 17, 2013, 12:40:19 PM
Ah yes. A very rare item this.
Jon in his Noir period if I'm not mistaken.

Tres chic.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Egodriver - help
May 16, 2013, 02:06:13 PM
Ground is ground  :)
it's just an extra ground pad in case you need it.
for example you can use it to ground the dc socket but you dont have to.

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