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Messages - mshuptar

Build Reports / Re: New builds...
September 01, 2013, 01:29:30 PM
The artwork on the rat is sweet! Nice job!
Quote from: wolfingsworth on August 27, 2013, 04:38:53 AM
BTW, how did you do that graphic? It looks like it's embossed or something...

The "embossed" look is sort of a happy accident. When I was clear-coateding the decal, I think that I didn't wait for the previous coats to fully dry. When I finally let everything properly set, parts of the decal warped. However, most of the warping added texture around the black print. I don't think I could replicate the results again!
I started working on this enclosure and populated the board at then end of June. Then I ended up moving to a new place and left this project untouched for three weeks. After I got settled, I dug this out and got all the off-board components wired up and tested it. Everything worked great. I (hastily) installed it in the enclosure so I could use it at rehearsal later that night. However, I then realized that I had flipped the board in a different direction when I was creating the decal for the enclosure so my Balance/Volume/Intensity labels on the enclosure didn't match the actual controls (insert facepalm here). SOOOOOOOO, I then scraped off the old decal and made a new one. Long story short, here's my "Waves Of Sound" tremolo and I absolutely dig it.

Dude, that etch is just incredible! Nicely done!
Great job - I dig the graphic and color scheme on the TTT!
Great enclosures and great sounds! I especially like the way the "swish" of the phase shifter sounds
Build Reports / Re: The Breadbox
July 23, 2013, 02:14:10 PM
Absolutely brilliant! Nice job!
Both of you were correct. I used the wrong 9v terminal. It was that simple! (I'll also admit that, until now, I didn't really know that it mattered which terminal I used. Live & learn, I guess)

The best part is that this took 5 minutes to fix and everything sounded a lot better - including the aforementioned hum (which still exists-but it's not as annoying, and it's probably due to my cheap adaptor).

Thanks for the help!

Build Reports / Re: Cupcake Compressor
June 12, 2013, 08:24:37 PM
Quote from: Parra on June 12, 2013, 06:46:35 PM
nice paint job. i like it a lot.

Thanks! My sister drew it with a Sharpie. However, I should have clear-coated it because it smeared a little as I was dry-fitting the off-board components. 

Quote from: jimilee on June 12, 2013, 06:52:46 PM
That is very cool. Is it really that noisy, or was something else going on there?

I assume that the hum is a combination of my cheap adaptor (Visual Sound 1-Spot) and that particular outlet in my house (my amp sometimes picks up radio signals when it's plugged into that outlet). Any suggestions for reducing that hum?
Hey everybody, this is my 3rd non-kit build and I haven't encountered this problem before. I'm working on a Double Flush and I think have a power problem. When I first tested it, nothing happened at all. No led, no sound, etc.

However, when I used an alligator clip to join the two +9v terminals on the power jack, the effect worked. (I stumbled on this when I pulled out my DMM to start troubleshooting and the tip of my DMM contacted both +9v terminals.) It's also worth noting that when the effect is powered up, the hum is loud enough to be sort of annoying and the hum pulses with the effect.

So here are my questions:
1) Are these serious problems?
2) Do I just solder a piece of wire between the two +9v terminals?
3) Is there a way to reduce the hum?

Other relevant info: I subbed a 3.9M resistor in R18 because I didn't have a 3.3M. I'm also using a 1776 Effects 3pdt board. (I don't know if this info is relevant or not.)

Any insight would be much appreciated - thanks!
Build Reports / Cupcake Compressor
June 12, 2013, 04:30:21 PM
Hey everybody! Here's my Cupcake compressor. I had a botched enclosure (the drilling is about 1/4" off center) and was like, "well, I should put something in there." Everything is stock. This definitely adds some "oomph" to my Tele. I also recorded a short demo. Enjoy!




Sorry for the blurry pics - they didn't look so bad when I took them with my phone.
Hi everybody,

I have the 3pdt board from 1776 effect and I'm going to use it to keep the wiring neat inside the Double Flush that I'm building. My question is this: since I've already populated the Double Flush board (except for the LED), do I still add R1 on the 3pdt board?

I'm still new to this, so forgive me if this is a really simple question.

Nice repurposing of the FuzzFace enclosure!
Build Reports / Re: Asteroids!
May 07, 2013, 10:05:31 AM
Incredible design! "Asteroids!" was one of my favorite Atari games!
Build Reports / Re: MU-MUTRON XXIII and friends
May 07, 2013, 01:07:20 AM
I'm digging the look of the Nautilus!