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Messages - add4

haha ! i fortunately don't have to deal with the subject of the songs since we all speak french. my daughter makes sounds replicating Bjork's accent (which is usually far from what i classify as proper english :) ).

I also love what she does. i only wish she would be more adventurous on the rythmic side of things and get out of the usual 4/4, trying-to-be-different-but-not-really-succeeding rythms. but well, that's only one downside of her work which is absolutely stunning on every other level .. it's just that my personal fixation is on polyrythms, or at least, asymetric bars. To my ears, any music gets better if it's in 5/8, 7/8 5/4, 11/8. just avoid 4/4 please :) or be creative with it and make it sound different, or awesome because you play it really well... oh i geuss i love everything in music .. :)
another one you might like. This one is in 7/8 :) (we can move the sharing in pm if we don't want to pollute the thread :) )

Quote from: SmoothAction on January 26, 2016, 03:56:42 PM
I also have a Bjork fixation. Her music gives me goosebumps, her videos give me goosebumps on top of goosebumps.

Your little girl has excellent taste just like her daddy. Vespertine is my favorite Bjork album. The official Pagan Poetry video is NSFW, because Bjork is a bad b*tch who doesn't give a f*ck. I love her.

My 4 year old niece also loves Bjork. When I go see Acacia I always put on this video. Thankfully Acacia (neice) and Cady (my little sister/her mom) always approve of Bjork, even if the subject matter can be a little dark. Throwing your body off a cliff just to hear what it sounds like isn't exactly kid friendly but the video is beautiful, also one of my favorite Bjork songs of all time.

haha my girl is three and a half and she seems to have a fixation on Bjork, and specifically pagan poetry

When she listened to this bjork song 6 times in a row, sometimes, she will ask for this

i started a policy so each persn in the car can choose one song in turn, and i try to make her discover as many styles as possible.
well for my purpose here, we can safely assume that the guitare are either
- gypsy jazz acoustic guitars with an added microphone (can be magnetic (stimer, peche a la mouche, ...), piezo, or classical instrument microphone (lots of feedback, generally not used))
- bix bog archtop with a floating pickup or a humbucker.

People usually specialize in this style and have the equipement for it. if you have the right guitar and amp, it's actually failry easy to get close to that tone, like Sebastien Giniaux here:

the main idea behind my question is : with an archtop and the good finger technique/playing style, how do i add the right OD to get tone from a clean amp.

Some players buy a small wattage tube amp that they push naturally and get it, but it's not always the case and they are stuck with this sound for the whole gig. i would like to get the chance to change it, maybe even in a solo (BIG novelty in the gypsy jazz style :) ). so i'd like a pedal that soudns like this, ideally in a clean solid state amp

Thanks to you all,

i was thinking something like a lavache with a bandaxall behind it, so i guess that's kinda close to Drolo's suggestion: basic transistor based light OD with a bandaxall after it.

I'm going to order a cherrybomb pcb and try it, or maybe just create a pcb for lavache and order it, that will make me play with eagle again :)

Thanks to you all for your suggestions
Quote from: SmoothAction on January 23, 2016, 01:12:25 AM
@add4, you have excellent taste. I love Tigran and Helix Nebula. Cheers!  8)

Thanks so much! I'm usually shut down as soon as I say I found a new great band. The perks of being a jazz guy. Glad you could find something you like here :) you might also like kneebody then and maybe Chris potter underground too:)
Of course there is not a magic pedal to give that feel, rhythmic placement and note choice of anybody, but the same guitar work, played through a dr boogie, might not sound like that too :)

The fact is that a lot of people in the gypsy jazz scene are going for this sound with a tubescreamer and a clean amp (what's on stage usually). And I thought that maybe another family of circuits might be better suited for that kind of sound.
I'm hearing a variation on Electra here but I am curious of what you guys think.

There is more into a lot of brains that in one.
That's why i'd like to ask you this question:
Which would be, according to your experience, the best circuit to get close to the electric Django Reinhardt sound?
it's coming from a lightly/medium overdriven amp.

2 situations i'd like to consider:
- input is an acoustic gypsy guitar.
- input is a jazz archtop.

examples of the sound i'm talking about

to me the job could be done with a simple electra distortion with heavy low pass filter in the end (+ a stupidly wonderful tone control that would make it versatile enough to be used with an electric and an acoustic?)

Or should it be more medium boosting?
nice one.. oddly enough i like this, even if i shouldn't :)

Quote from: SmoothAction on January 20, 2016, 11:58:28 PM
Nice one Cortexturizer. They certainly did!

Let's get this thread going again. We lost a ton of great posts. I always like visiting this thread for new jams. Onward and upward.

Floating Points - Silhouettes I, II, and III

Hey all,

Just a word to say Thank you for your help with this.
I'll be busy with work and busy with playing music in the evenings for a few days, then out travelling.
So i'm not like loosing interest in this, but i won't update it before a few days :)

Thanks again for your precious advices
Hello all,

So i'm building my first fuzz face with the mangler PCB.
finished the build a few days ago, tried to rock it.. no sound. as it was late i decided to check for errors another day, looked at it yesterday: no obvious errors, double checked all resistor and cap values and orientation. Looks good to me.

Not so sure about the trannies orientation so i tried to plug silicon trannies instead and see what happened.. still nothing.

with a transistor in the socket, i put the trimmer to have 4.5v at the collector. can't remember if it was 4.5 or - 4.5, should be -, right?

What shoud i check to help you guys helping me finding the proble?
How about the controls of the ditto? i've heard that the double tap (for ending a loop?) makes it hard to be really precise in the loop, which can defiantly be an issue. i'm looking towards the ditto x2 because of that

i feel your pain.
i have a jamman, first of the name (the simple one with 2 buttons, direct copy of the first boss looper (red)). and it changes my sound in an unacceptable way
- dynamic loss (i'm playing a VERY dynamic amp and it's ridiculously hearable when i remove the looper from the chain)
- high end loss
- hum/hiss if the instrument level is a bit too high

i was actually planning to put it on sale today and go for a ditto x2 i've heard it's really transparent... but apparently it's not , so .... yeah i don't know . :) maybe i should just try it :)
i'm also interested in that.

if someone would do powder coating AND drilling (and printing) from within europe i'd be seriously interested