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Messages - Hangingmonkey

Build Reports / Re: Lovetone PORN!!!
July 26, 2014, 09:13:05 PM
Looks real nice. Great job.
Can't wait to see the build doc, I'd definitely build this
Open Discussion / Re: Recommend me a Tremolo build
July 18, 2014, 08:45:11 PM

Quote from: Guybrush on July 18, 2014, 11:48:47 AM
Wonderful suggestions as always!

Cheers guys, I'll have a look at all the suggestions.

Such a shame that the MusicPCB TTT ticks so much (well my build does at least). I spent forever designing the decal and putting it all together (twice) and just can't dial out the noise.

Edit: Are the TL and STM pedals similar?

GrindCustoms: Do you have a build doc/BOM for the Electric Boogaloo? The link on your site doesn't seem to work. Thanks!

Try accessing it from the link on his forum, that works for me
Build Reports / Re: A Madbean Trio
July 07, 2014, 08:17:57 AM
Wow, really like the brushed finish on the anodised paint. Not sure if we can get that kind of paint here in the Uk.  How did you get the brushed finish, just sand straight lines down the box?  Did you leave the paint unlacquered as I presume that would melt the brushed finish?
Requests / Sub-mini tube amps
June 28, 2014, 10:47:57 PM
Wow, that looks really cute. I want to build one.

Edit, I'm referring to thomasha's mini jcm amp
Build Reports / Re: STM800 2 Clips, For the Metulz!
June 22, 2014, 12:57:56 PM
So I was completely off. Sounds cool though, I'll built a nautilus, though I've never been happy with how it sounds with a high gain signal.
Build Reports / Re: STM800 2 Clips, For the Metulz!
June 22, 2014, 08:29:37 AM
Full on metal!  What was the blue 3 knob pedal with the green led at the end of the demo, sounds a bit ring mod
Build Reports / Re: Log - Heavy Water
June 15, 2014, 07:45:07 AM
Holy crap!!!!  Great work Alan. I need to get back to my vero version sometime. It's been sitting in a box for the last year
Love the tremor control font, did you make that yourself?
Wow, is that all.  Maybe I'm overdoing it, I don't go any less than 4-5mins and that's using pnp (and my etches suck)
Curious to know, how long do you have to iron it for on silk mode?
Thanks, tried some knob fiddling and can definitely hear the difference when I cut back on the colour as well as the hf span, I wouldn't have thought of that. Getting this pedal working has got me inspired to go back to my flange with no name build which I had shelved from last year. I'll dig that one up and see if I can get it working.
I've just used a fresnel for the first time and had the same problem of inbetween sizes. I ended up over drilling and figured id hot glue it in from behind. By the time I painted and cleared the enclosure the extra coverage of the layers of clear made it fit real snug

Quote from: LaceSensor on June 02, 2014, 06:16:30 PM
Quote from: Hangingmonkey on June 02, 2014, 01:33:05 PM

I guess the build report was a bit no-frills, as for the sound... Awesome. I thought the HF span was subtle both in alanp's pcb and this one, how is it one your original?  It became more obvious when I did the 2k mod on the span pots. Also, it makes the LF span go from phasing to wah-ing which is kinda cool.  I used the futurlec spec'd LDR's.

I don't really use the color or blend pots, I just leave them maxed out.


Couple of points here:

1- the colour control is a resonance control that acts on the LF sweep only.
Therefore, if you keep it maxed, it does somewhat "drown out" the HF sweep. This is accentuated with the B2k span replacement. It is however accurate to the vintage unit. Therefore, try backing off the resonance control a bit. Maybe 2 o'clock.

2 - its easier to hear the effect of the LF and HF phasing while the LFO is swinging out of phase with each other. This is particularly the case in Dual LFO mode I find.

3 - with B1k spans you wont get massively deep phasing out of this pedal, it remains uni-vibey yet still awesome. I built one for a doppelganger fan and added the B2k spans and he was blown away. YMMV I guess.

Thanks Lace, definitely food for thought. I'll give those settings a try.
Build Reports / Re: Log - Heavy Water
June 02, 2014, 10:04:00 PM
Thanks Alan, I'll check it out. I was going to ask about the lack of LEDs on there but looking more closely, they look like led lit pots which is a great idea.

Quote from: wgc on June 02, 2014, 01:40:37 AM
Awesome, love the red build too

Can't take the credit for that, my wife painted that one