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Messages - lloyd17

exactly what I was going to recommend Hab. I've used those epcos caps in my last three builds with no complaints.
Mouser is great for these small orders. Sure three dollars shipping on 40 cents worth of components sucks but it still beats the usual suspects.
Open Discussion / Re: Pedal Beer
October 18, 2011, 05:18:24 PM
I keep buying IPA's then wonder why I am too tipsy to confidently mill an enclosure after three beers. Miller Lite if I am working, Stone IPA or Anchor Steam if lounging/testing.
Audio/Video Demos / Re: Screw the Dig Dug....
October 16, 2011, 07:59:51 PM
I'd really like to build up a versatile outboard LFO and add expression inputs to just about every pedal I have that isn't dirt. I was going to go with a TAPLFO based deal but this looks much more interesting. Any chance this controller will become a project?
General Questions / Re: loris question
October 15, 2011, 08:01:30 PM
Thanks again guys, your tips were dead on. I pulled the 50pf I had in there and installed some sockets. Since I am too lazy to head out to the electroshop for a couple ceramics I played around with series/parallel values and settles on 3 47pf in series for around 16pf total and wow, what a difference. The sweet spot on the cut control is now around 11 o'clock rather than 8 and the ruetz never gets muddy. Perfect!  I could see making a switching mod out of this: brighter for humbuckers and darker for single coils.
General Questions / Re: Russian Germaniums?
October 13, 2011, 07:04:16 PM
we're likely competing with each other to buy these things. They were going for a steal a couple months ago.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Pork Barrel bother
October 11, 2011, 05:09:36 PM
Have you tried swapping out the depth pot? I chased problems on my PB for two hours on Saturday until figuring out I had a faulty speed pot. If nothing is posted I'll try to get some voltages up tonight after work. Gotta open mine up and replace an LED. How I got two different colors in there is beyond me..
General Questions / Re: loris question
October 08, 2011, 08:34:06 PM
Thanks guys, I'll likely pull the 50pf and toss in some sockets.
General Questions / loris question
October 08, 2011, 07:09:40 PM
So I am building the Slow Loris and I didn't order up any 30pf caps. Can I sub in a 50pf or would it be better to tie two 50pf in series for a closer match to the original value?
Open Discussion / Re: Beginning the Vero Adventure
October 08, 2011, 05:43:48 PM
thought I'd pop in and mention the sea blue eq as a great vero project. Super easy to build and when you're done you have a really nice clean booster.
I use thin pieces of foam tape to insulate the pots and the bottom plate of the case and just let the board float. I enjoy laying out pots and switches and accompanying wiring chores plus I like the ability to drop the guts out if a pedal in one piece if I need to.
General Questions / Re: Russian Germaniums?
October 01, 2011, 06:42:46 PM
For what it's worth I've got a Monsterpiece Ge with Rus gt320b's in it and it sounds pretty terrific.
Open Discussion / Re: Tayda Updates
September 30, 2011, 07:33:13 PM
Just wanted to follow up on my post about Tayda 2399's. I got one from small bear and it performed exactly as the 4 I got from Tayda so for the moment those 50 cent 2399's are a super deal.
Build Reports / Re: Modulation Station
September 28, 2011, 05:02:16 PM
holy wow that's sweet
Open Discussion / Re: Headstock tuners
September 27, 2011, 07:33:57 PM
gotta love the snark, just as fast and accurate as my pitchblack was. bye bye pitchblack, hello open slot for another fuzz!