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Messages - MattL

General Questions / Re: Neutrino diodes
October 24, 2010, 01:00:29 PM
Thanks a lot!
General Questions / Neutrino diodes
October 23, 2010, 09:37:07 PM
Hi, I'm a bit confused about this:

"D1 is TWO 1n4148's in series, as is D3. This was done to eliminate having to
use a jumper if you want asymmetrical clipping. Feel free to experiment with
different diodes, or use a switch to set up external clipping options."

Does this mean I'm supposed to tee pee two diodes in series at the same connecting point? And what (if you can pardon a newbie question) constitutes series? does the wire from one connect to the wire of another, with the remaining wires going to the holes in the PCB? And do the striped sides face in the same direction? Thanks, any help would be appreciated. I don't really see that it would be otherwise, since there are only spots for diodes 1,3, and 5. Thanks!
Open Discussion / Re: BYOC...possible defective parts?
October 16, 2010, 06:33:32 PM
Nope, that's how I wired it, and don't forget...we're talking about EIGHT pedals. All my GGG's, all my pedals word. It's all of and only the BYOC. Thanks anyway though.
Open Discussion / BYOC...possible defective parts?
October 13, 2010, 02:14:53 AM
I've built quite a few pedals at this point, starting with BYOC, to GGG, to and Madbean. Recently I've started building them without batteries, because who needs them on a pedal board? All my BYOC and GGG's have external power source as well as battery power. I only just started trying to use them all without batteries. Each and every BYOC does not work without the battery. All the GGG's do, the one one does, which was the last one I built with a battery. The ones without are just wired the same but without the battery rewired. It seems really strange to me that the BYOC is the only one that it (external power) doesn't work on, and alsothat it doesn't work on ALL the BYOC. The problem is consistent, and specific to BYOC. Any ideas? did they get a bad batch of DC jacks? Has anybody else had this problem? The testing was done without the input jacks plugged in (in which case the others all lit up) as well as with them plugged in, the only time the BYOCs worked...meaning battery power only. With batteries removed, there was no power under any circumstances. The testing was done with a 1spot power supply. The wiring has been checked against the instructions. Again, only the BYOC don't work as expected. Under battery power they all work fine. Thanks, Matt
Open Discussion / Re: Loss of pads
October 13, 2010, 12:31:11 AM
Thanks again Madbean!
Open Discussion / Re: Loss of pads
October 03, 2010, 01:41:23 AM
Oops, I think I have my answer, sorry!
Open Discussion / Re: Loss of pads
October 03, 2010, 01:37:42 AM
I know it's always one more thing, but with the part of the switch that turns the LED on connected is there a resistor on the board that is for the LED or do I have to include one as per the tonepad diagram? Thanks, Matt
Open Discussion / Re: Loss of pads
October 01, 2010, 02:50:07 PM
Thanks so much once again!
Open Discussion / Re: Loss of pads
October 01, 2010, 04:49:07 AM
Thanks a lot, because I finished it today and it doesn't work, but I also had a question about grounding with the switch diagram, because I'm building these without batteries and am a little confused because I'm left without a ground on the input sleeve, and can't find a spot with alligator clips that works. Should I ground that to the sleeve of the output jack? All the other wiring I've followed accurately but the absence of the battery leaves a hole (in my knowledge!). Also, Does SW have an equivalent on boards by other makers? I need to know what to do if I use the tonepad switch wiring...what would go to SW?
Open Discussion / Re: Loss of pads
September 30, 2010, 04:31:14 AM
Thanks a lot Jacob, that's reassuring - if I'm reading you right, it should work!
Open Discussion / Loss of pads
September 30, 2010, 02:34:47 AM
I had to remove resistors from a Slambox PCB and the pads came up in a couple of places. Does this necessarily mean the circuit won't work right? In asking this (pardon the newbie ignorance) I'm trying to determine whether the circuit may work, say sans a resistor for example, making it harder for me to determine if it's working as designed, as well as if this happens in the future if it's worth bothering to finish a pedal. Thanks to whomever might leave an answer...I'm sure I'm not the 1st person to have this happen! Matt