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Messages - Willybomb

I've built a couple of bluesbreaker style clones recently, one was a morning glory, and none of them were overly loud pedals.  I found you needed to have the gain about halfway, which is still cleanish, to get a decent level out of it.

Usually, if you're not getting the amount of volume you think you should, something is grounding out somewhere or not connected properly.  I had a couple of input 3dpt lugs soldered badly and had no gain out of those pedals.
Tayda will do one off UV prints.  I usually use datapol laser stickers though.
Open Discussion / Re: Best substitute for j201
November 07, 2022, 03:56:47 AM
I dab solder on a pad, position the jfet and touch the solder blob and push the jfet in with a pair of tweezers, iirc.  Then it's just a case of touching the other pads with a bit of solder to finish up as it's now held in place.
I don't enjoy building on commission due to the pressure of getting it right, but will sell builds I don't use or have a connection with.  I sold Magnum Opus last year (my MBP BOTY entry a while back)....

I've given a few surprise builds to friends or their kids who are showing some promise in playing (Tiger Drive, Darth Punk, Bass Bomb, Genuine Fake, Funkosaurus).
Open Discussion / Re: Dan Huff’s Rack Gear
November 01, 2022, 09:37:56 AM

There is so much awesome in this I can't even start...
Build Reports / Re: The J.Scott Special
October 29, 2022, 11:56:32 AM
I love a crazy build.
Quote from: Thewintersoldier on October 11, 2022, 03:23:32 PM
Tight build, what's it based on?

It's Dead Astronaut's original schematic.  Robert demos the breadboard here:

QuoteDumb question: do different colored and sized LEDs  have enough difference to effect the tone??

I haven't tried it but there's a version called "X-rock" that uses red.
Quote from: jessenator on October 11, 2022, 06:04:10 AM
Okay the "fuzz for people who don't like fuzz" angle is selling me. Just hope love got enough Vero (and parts...) to make one!

It's kinda on the small side, so you don't need much!
Build Reports / Re: Things I built
October 11, 2022, 05:22:42 AM
I've gotta do one of those Black Eye builds.  I have an STM-800 sitting here that I need to get working too.
Open Discussion / Re: What should I do?
October 11, 2022, 05:21:49 AM
You sell them to fund other builds or gear.  I've funded a few guitars through selling mine.
Quote from: jimilee on October 09, 2022, 09:30:17 PM
Glad to see you were able to fit it into a 125b. Bwahahahaha it looks fantastic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I haven't done a lot of vero lately, it's a bit wierd.

QuoteMade one of these since I'm also not a giant fuzz fan. It's really nice. Thanks for the recommendation.

No probs.
Quote from: gordo on October 07, 2022, 11:15:00 PM
Holy crap that monochrome stealth look is pretty darn sexy.  I hear you on the stacking bit.  It's never quite worked out for me.  Even pushing a drive with a booster has been a bit dodgy.  The lower gain stuff tends to work a bit better (Aion Yamaha drive is a good example), but otherwise I tend to run into a bit too much noise.

Compression into a drive.  Now that's another story...

Yep, big fan of some compression beforehand.  I agree with the boost before drive thing too - too much and it sounds *clipped*, not enough and it's not really making enough difference to warrant doing it.
Gudday all, this is Royal Dawn, otherwise known as Storyboardist's/Effectlayout's King of the Morning, running a Morning Glory into a Prince of Tone.  It might be the other way around, I'm not 100% on that.


So this was a complete bastard to get running.  Everything would work fine out of the box, but as soon as I boxed it up I just had motorboating, which normally means a ground is disconnected. 
I pulled the guts out and tested it - worked fine. 
Put the stuff back in, minus DC and 1/4inch jacks, tested - worked.
Put that stuff back in, tightened everything up and...... it motorboated.

I pulled the guts out again and got much the same result.  I replaced a jack as jiggling could cut the sound.  I looked closer and saw the clipping and cut switches were up against a couple of pot legs so I put some masking tape between those, reboxed, tested.  Right, that worked.  Tightened everything up and tested, great - it works.

All that is on me anyway, probably took some dodgy measurements off the drill doc.

I think I like this one the most so far out of my recent builds, or at least the Morning Glory side for some reason.  Turns out I'm still not a massive fan of stacking drives.

I might need to look at it again, as it's only just making a bit past unity volume, especially with a couple of the clipping modes.

Build Reports / Clone of Tone - Pedalpcb Paragon
October 06, 2022, 05:11:46 AM
Gudday all.  Just another build, this time a PedalPCB Paragon in another Tayda drilled, painted, printed enclosure.  I think this is almost making it all too easy after some of my monster vero builds of the past.

Build Reports / Rat King - Storyboardist Loyalist pcb
October 04, 2022, 06:51:52 AM
Gudday all, boxed this one up today.  It's a Storyboardist Loyalist pcb, being a Morning Glory into a (turbo) Rat.  I could have used the pcb mounted LEDs and made my life a lot easier with the 3pdt pcbs, but I like my LEDs next to the footswitches.

I'd use steel washers for the footswitches normally, but I can't find the couple of packets I have lying around here so I'm waiting on some more to arrive from ebay/china.
