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Messages - mcallisterra

Build Reports / Re: Jan Ray (aka Timmy) clone
March 05, 2015, 09:51:06 PM
Quote from: billstein on March 05, 2015, 07:00:55 PM
Beautiful pedal. Love those knobs, anybody know who carries those in the states.

Mammoth does, in lots of colors.
Just thinking about how often my pedal board gets swapped and changed is enough for me to never build more than say a two-in-one. Just when I think it's perfect, I change it again. Couldn't imagine being locked into 10 in one box etc.
Open Discussion / Re: The useless pedal list
March 03, 2015, 09:11:00 PM
Ha! Brilliant. I've seen the Metal Zone one before but the Miku Stomp one is great.
It seems like the actual single repeat you get is constant though, regardless of how much it is pitch bent, which is what I was trying to explain.
Quote from: midwayfair on March 03, 2015, 08:13:28 PM
Quote from: mcallisterra on March 03, 2015, 06:47:06 PM
The Clarinot only has the pitch of the repeats affected by the envelope. It's a massive and glitchy amount, but the delay time is still set by a pot alone.

This is untrue. The delay time of the Clari(not) is shortened when the LED turns on and drops the resistance of the LDR, which is across the delay pot.

What you're describing would be a pitch shifting effect applied to the repeats only, which the Clari(not) does not have.

Luke, I've tried it, but I didn't like it, because affecting the delay time is really only useful for weird effects like the Clarinot or for short washy delay times. Anything that relies on it for rhymic stuff and changing the delay time gets really annoying.

I do, however, like effects applied only to the repeats ... Timbo's done that on a few pedals. I've thought about putting a Blue Warbler on the repeats of an delay pedal, but it seems like a lot of extra work to get a pitch shifting effect with no delay change.
Listen to Jon. He knows what he's talking about and I don't! ;D
This stuff makes my brain hurt. All I know is that you can get the repeats to be very normal and in tunr with light playing, then very crazy if you dig in, but they don't seem to speed up or slow down - they are just more or less affected when that repeat comes around (at the same interval).
Quote from: culturejam on March 03, 2015, 06:13:47 PM
The Wampler Faux Tape Echo uses an envelope detector to modulate the delay time. It's not a radical effect, but it does give the impression of a tape-like warble.

Other than the Clarinot or the Wampler, I don't recall seeing any circuits that use envelope for delay time control.
The Clarinot only has the pitch of the repeats affected by the envelope. It's a massive and glitchy amount, but the delay time is still set by a pot alone.
Open Discussion / Re: heterodyning?
March 03, 2015, 03:52:55 AM
I was planning a Rub a Dub reverb with a Smoothie on the wet signal soon - is this something that could be expected with those two combined?
Quote from: thesameage on February 27, 2015, 08:27:02 PM
Someone needs to fab a Ross board!
Yes! I'd love that.
General Questions / Re: Stage Fright rate LED
February 27, 2015, 04:26:58 PM
Sweet, thanks! Not a deal breaker if it doesn't work, but I'll give it a go when I make it.
General Questions / Re: Stage Fright rate LED
February 27, 2015, 04:13:12 PM
Is there a way to stop that? I've never been a fan of lights lit up on pedals that are off.
General Questions / Stage Fright rate LED
February 27, 2015, 03:46:38 PM
So browsing the forum, I've just realized I need to build a Stage Fright (don't you hate/love when that happens?)  ;D

Quick question: does the rate LED turn off with the effect if you build it in the stock configuration, or does it keep blinking even when it's bypassed?
Lots of good suggestions in this thread lately:
Open Discussion / Re: Affect just the wet on Rub a Dub
February 26, 2015, 05:17:53 PM
Quote from: timbo_93631 on February 26, 2015, 05:14:56 PM
It should be fine, I've done a number of FX loops on the multiplex, ZPDD, ZP DLX, Micro, etc., between lug 3 of a delay mix pot and pad 3 of the pcb using the JMK panner, nucleon clean blend, and TH-customs madbox this way. 

Thanks! Just wanted to check :)
Open Discussion / Re: Affect just the wet on Rub a Dub
February 26, 2015, 04:36:22 PM
I just remembered I have a JMK Panner PCB that I haven't used for anything yet. Since this splits the signal into two buffered signals, could I use it as follows?

I think this would make the Blend pot on the JMK Panner give just reverb at one end, and then fully phased reverb at the other end of the sweep.

Does this look like it would work?