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Messages - rumbletone

General Questions / Re: Wonky drilling or too picky?
December 10, 2014, 03:40:25 AM
I would expect better than that and would expect them to replace it in the circumstances. I don't expect them to be within a fraction of a millimeter, but if it's visibly off to the naked eye on a simple drilling job like that it's not good enough IMO.

Disappointing, because I was planning to order a batch of enclosures from them, and haven't had good luck with Mammoth's paint jobs (the $5 blem 1590BBs from small bear had more consistent and resistant paint than the Mammoths I've ordered at full price! Wish small bear offered more sizes and colors...they've been great on my orders so far).
Did you get a chance to try it? Now I'm thinking this would be a good switching setup for my trem/spring reverb combo pedal...
Open Discussion / Re: A question for small scale builders
November 20, 2014, 05:32:47 AM
This is not legal advice -

1. Post-mortem rights of publicity exist in many places (though not all) - but plaintiffs will forum shop to find one such place where an item was sold, and sue there

2. If there is copyright in the image, the reproduction for commercial purposes without consent may constitute copyright infringement in most places

3. The Hendrix estate (i.e., his half-sister who met him only a handful of times, when she was a child) is very stingy with their licensing, and it seems to have nothing to do with anything other than money (i.e., they don't license artistic projects that pay tribute to Jimi's art, but use the brand for all kinds of ridiculous crap imho), and they are aggressive with their enforcement.
Quote from: m-Kresol on November 12, 2014, 09:28:41 PM
Quote from: rumbletone on November 12, 2014, 01:13:42 AM
would this work?

it took me some time to think the signals path through, but this is pretty genius. I'm really impressed. The only flaw is the following: when the toggle is up and the 4PDT is the "universal" switch, the 3PDT has to be in the on-position. Otherwise, you'll ground the signal right there

You're right - good catch! What if the toggle dpdt was a 3pdt and the third pole disconnects the fx1 groundout on the 3pdt footswitch when in 'universal mode', and add a connection to ground from the toggle 3pdt to the 4pdt (i.e., and input to fx1 goes to ground, together with input to fx2, only when the 4pdt is bypassed AND the toggle is in the 'universal mode')?

Can't draw it out right now but will try later.... there's got to be a way to make it work!!
Here's a Christine Fuzz with some mods to add more craziness - one toggle adds an LDR (hidden in the jewel light cover, along with the LED) to the tone control, and the other toggle connects the momentary footswitch to either the osc pot or the power pot, each with a fixed resistance value, for footcontrolled glitchiness. This is about my 15th build - still trying to figure out labelling (currently experimenting with laser etching), but for this one labelling isn't really necessary - the controls (as well as the vol/tone on the guitar that's plugged into it) are very interactive and unpredictable - so it's pretty much 'tweak until it rips your face off'!!

would this work?
Open Discussion / Re: How does JHS Panther work?
October 28, 2014, 01:49:35 AM
Quote from: icecycle66 on October 27, 2014, 10:44:02 PM
That thing looks fun to put together.
Little bit of SMD, little bit of through hole.

(Term "Little bit" used lightly.)

Interesting - any idea why he would use SMD for the control circuit and not for the audio?
Build Reports / Re: ReVibe & Demo
June 01, 2014, 11:10:18 PM
After seeing this thread I ordered a Surfy Bear - I just got it hooked up to a pan (the full size Mod version) last night and it sounds stellar - don't miss the tubes at all, and it's HUGE sounding. The pan is super long though so I think I'll try one of the smaller ones and do a pedalboard friendly version - though I'll probably separate the pan from the driver so the controls can go on top and the pan underneath, and probably have separate wet and dry outs (I like the flexibility to run parallel). Also likely going to pair it with trem - though currently thinking I'll do a brownface type trem (or at least have it as an option) and perhaps TAPLFO.

Thanks for the inspiration!!