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Messages - PhiloB

Open Discussion / Re: Quasar Question (C1)
January 27, 2014, 09:22:54 PM
Had to run an errand earlier today and drove by RadioShack. So I figured, I'd step in and see what they had. Picked up 47 nF capacitor for two bucks! A rip off but beats paying shipping handling. Rocked it before I boxed it and the circuit works perfectly :-)
Open Discussion / Re: Quasar Question (C1)
January 27, 2014, 06:26:40 AM
Thanks guys
Open Discussion / Re: Quasar Question (C1)
January 27, 2014, 05:14:51 AM
Thanks LeeVibe.  I'll give it a shot tomorrow.
Open Discussion / Quasar Question (C1)
January 27, 2014, 03:43:51 AM
I messed up ordering.  I didn't order C1 - 47nF.  Can I substitute another value or is this a critical value.  I've socketed the PCB at that point so that I can hopefully test the circuit and replace the cap with the appropriate value when I get it. 
So, can I jump it with a wire just to test? I have an extra 100nF I could use.
Thanks for any help!
I'm including the Quasar PDF
Jimilee, I got lazy and did just that.  Originally I had done that and experienced grounding issues.  So, I exposed more wire.  Working fine now.  Now I know what to do with a pot that won't talk solder though, I've run across that before
Thanks guys- sanding wheel and flux.
Trying to ground the electronics to the back of the bridge but solder won't 'stick'.  Using a 20W iron.  Do I need something more significant or is there another issue?
Open Discussion / Re: What's the best Wah Project
January 25, 2014, 04:03:27 AM
Thanks clayford. 
Open Discussion / What's the best Wah Project
January 25, 2014, 02:08:57 AM
Picked up a Dunlop Crybaby Wah for $25.  Is the Weener Wah II the way to go or should I consider other options?
General Questions / Re: Inexpensive recording solution
January 22, 2014, 02:57:46 AM
GarageBand.  $4.99. Great place to start.  Check out AudioBus as an interface to connect other apps to Garageband
Build Reports / Re: MB Sprout
January 20, 2014, 03:05:37 PM
It was really cool.  I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I struggled with it a little. He talked about wanting to put it in a different box and redo the design and name but I think we need to just build another effect! 
The coolest part was when he plugged it in and hit that first note!  From then on it was all smiles and he was jamming - no inhibitions, just making an awful fuzzy racket.  Too fun.  He plays some but up to this point had not been completely sold.  He can play a few riffs and read some.  But this was the first time I've seen him just let loose and enjoy.  Thanks for letting me gush:)
Build Reports / MB Sprout
January 20, 2014, 04:04:21 AM
Thanks Jimilee and Pickdropper.  Were the images available?  Cant see them now.
Build Reports / MB Sprout
January 20, 2014, 03:42:01 AM
My 11 year old helped me populated and 'paint' the enclosure.  He was a little afraid of the solder iron but I was real proud, he made some healthy joints.
He was a little upset with the art work.  Wrote his Z's backwards.  It's now the Behold the Fuss instead of Fuzz.
Also, the bit ripped the bottom of the enclosure by the DC jack. 
My son and I are stoked, bottom line.

Also, it was my first 1590A.

Open Discussion / Re: Trade for a 'Broken' Kingslayer?
January 19, 2014, 02:47:11 PM
Thanks for all your help rullywowr!
Open Discussion / Re: Sunking Help!!
January 18, 2014, 11:53:37 PM
It works!! Whoever assembled the circuit originally mixed up IC 2 with 3.  I burned up a TC1044SPCA figuring it out but put the old MAX in the right place and now I'm up and running at 17+ volts.  Thanks for all the help!!