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Messages - mshuptar

Thanks for the reply. To clarify, do I connect the 18v output on the Fatpants to the 9v on the Afterlife, instead of connecting the Afterlife to the 9v jack?
Hello everybody,

I'm still fairly new at this and I'm working on my first 2-in-1. I've run into a few problems regarding the wiring. I'm combining a Fatpants and an Afterlife (the Fatpants is first in the chain) and, after looking at the 2-in-1 wiring diagram from GGG,  here are my two questions:

1) Since the Fatpants has an 18v output, how do I wire these two boards together?

2) Can I still run the Fatpants buffered while having the Afterlife as true-bypass (or do they both need to run true-bypass like the GGG diagram shows)? If so, how does this change the wiring on the GGG diagram?

(And here's the diagram I'm referencing:

Update 2/18/14: I finished wiring everything according to the diagram below (except for the battery snap) but the LED for the Afterlife doesn't work.

It's weird because the LED did light up when I first tested the circuits. When I first tested the circuits, I was getting sound and everything sounded like it was working correctly. However, the output jack was scratchy so I did a little touchup with the soldering iron. After I did that touchup and tested it one more time, the LED for the Afterlife didn't light up. (I'm still getting sound from both effects when the 3DPT switches are engaged).

After checking all my connections related to the LED (I thought a weak soldering joint might have come loose), I popped the LED out and tested it to see if it worked (I put the LED on a 9V battery) The LED didn't light up at all. I found a new LED, tested it to see if it worked, and swapped it in to the Afterlife circuit. It didn't work at all. When I removed the new LED and tested it, it also didn't light up.

Am I burning out LEDs? Am I doing damage to the circuit? What's going on? Any help would be much appreciated.

Hi everybody,

I'm attempting my first 2-in-1 project by combining a Fatpants and an Afterlife in the same enclosure. I'm going to completely eliminate the battery snap on this project. After reading the build docs and looking at the "Two Boards / One Box diagram" from GGG, I had a few questions:

1) Can the Fatpants power the Afterlife? (Again, I'm still learning about this stuff and it may be a dumb question)
2) Assuming the answer to question 1 is "yes," if I connect the 18v+ pad on the Fatpants to the 9v+ pad on the Afterlife, I can eliminate the connection from the DC jack to the Afterlife, correct?
3) Is there any thing else I have to consider when putting these two units in the came enclosure?


Update: I had more specific questions and moved this to the regular Tech Help thread. Admin, feel free to delete this.
That's outstanding - the vibe-y part is way cool!
That is awesome!
Thanks! I'm still learning about this stuff and I'm sort of "building-by-numbers." So, if I understand correctly, the diode is like a faucet on a sink; a lower Fv means that the voltage "flows" less restricted, right?

(Also, Mammoth carries 1n5818, so I ordered those.)   
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Diode Substitutions?
January 06, 2014, 06:29:09 PM
I have a couple general questions: when is it appropriate to substitute diodes? How would I know if a certain diode would work without significantly altering the sound?

I ask because I'm working on a Fatpants and I'd prefer to order everything from Mammoth, but they don't stock 1N5817 diodes.
Open Discussion / A cheap, playable Les Paul Jr. copy
December 27, 2013, 03:41:39 PM
I just finished fixing up this Baldwin / Gibson Les Paul Jr. copy. I shielded the pickup cavity and the electronics cavity with copper tape. I also I installed a new wraparound bridge, which allows for minor intonation adjustments, and a Dream 90 (a humbucker-sized P90). I'm playing through a VoxAC15C1. For about $50 I think the guitar ended up sounding respectable. (Sorry about the lo-fi recording quality of my phone)

And here's the video:
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Re: Pots for guitars?
December 21, 2013, 05:35:48 PM
Much appreciated - thanks!
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Pots for guitars?
December 20, 2013, 10:31:08 PM
Hey everybody - this is a total noob question, but are guitar pots supposed to be audio taper or linear taper or both? Here's my situation: I got a crappy LP Jr copy at a yard sale. The knobs of the pots had been broken clean off. The values are as follows:

Guitar #1: "Talent LP Jr"
Volume: 500kA
Tone: 500kB

I was going to swap out the pots with some from another junkyard guitar (a First Act single-pickup model) and the pots in this guitar were:

Guitar #2: "First Act 5008"
Volume: 500kB
Tone: 500kA

So, here are my questions: Which pots were in the right place? Does it really matter?
Build Reports / Re: 9yo boxing a LAUDAH :)
December 05, 2013, 01:39:02 AM
That's awesome! Does your kid play guitar, too?
Build Reports / Re: Phase 90 with optical speed control
December 02, 2013, 11:25:52 AM
That optical speed control is really cool and I dig your playing! Nice job! Sweet demo!
Build Reports / Re: Bubba FET (complete)
November 26, 2013, 11:46:13 AM
This is incredible! Very cool!
Build Reports / Re: Tonebender MK1
November 20, 2013, 11:36:47 PM
Hey! Great demo! Awesome sounds!
Build Reports / "Les Lansing" (Madbean LaVache)
October 12, 2013, 08:14:00 PM
Hey everybody,

Here's my "Les Lansing" - I built it stock and it sounds great. It quickly replaced the TS-808 clone on my pedalboard. As for the decal, it's a picture of the Otto Eckart power plant in Lansing, MI. One thing that I really dig about this pedal is how it interacts with my guitar's volume knob. With my Les Paul, it delivers some serious Neil Young "Zuma" tone!