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Messages - midwayfair

Open Discussion / Re: Just Saying -- the soapbox thread
November 12, 2021, 09:10:55 PM
Quote from: jimilee on November 12, 2021, 03:06:38 PM
Daaaamn. Does anyone buy music anymore? I do from my favorite artists, but I stream or listen to XM radio mostly.

Do you save tracks to playlists on any platform?

Lots of people do, that's sort of the modern equivalent of buying.
Open Discussion / Re: Just Saying -- the soapbox thread
November 12, 2021, 03:34:19 AM
This week I discovered that you *literally* can't sell music in 2021 in some cases without social media sites. And I don't just mean "You can't communicate with anyone who would buy it," either.

Since I can't just give Apple or Spotify money to make my music available for streaming, I have to use a distribution service. (This HAS to be some sort of legal culpability thing, right? There's no way companies like that would just leave the money on the table, especially Apple ...) And for the distribution services I was looking at (and the one I picked), you need social media accounts with a follower threshold. I guess it's a good thing I didn't delete my Twitter account years ago when I ditched Facebook.

I did, however, have to rename my personal YouTube channel, because no one subscribes to the band's.
If people are gonna post a pic of your knob in your hand, this thread needs to be marked NSFW.

EDIT: Brian are you just going to allow this kind of content here? tsk tsk.
Quote from: Zerro on November 01, 2021, 12:16:53 AM
Maybe output is so weak, that only first stage makes some distortion (if any) but at second is only some spoiled rest, that no diode can clip. What are DC voltages at collectors?

Putting in my bet now that R6 is wrong.
Quote from: Mr.H on October 31, 2021, 10:08:20 PM
The resistor value changed worked like a charm!  Thank you.

Changing the diodes in the LETFA was not successful.  I tried 1n914, BAS33, MA150, and LEDs, but nothing helped on that.  Oh well.

Even the LEDs didn't help?

There might be something wrong with your build or something else involved. The 1n914 should have doubled your output. Red LEDs should have 5 times the output. The output signal goes from being clamped to .3V with schotkey or .6v with 1n914 to 1.6V with a red LED or 2V with green (or 3V with blue, but by then you probably aren't hearing any distortion).
Open Discussion / Re: Blenders - suggestions
October 29, 2021, 01:03:35 AM
Quote from: Zerro on October 28, 2021, 08:02:05 PM
Only one little note - that Swamp Compressor schematic:
C17 has wrong polarity. There will be negative voltage at gate of j-fet. Proper detail is attached.

Some comments around attack-decay details are edited here.


To be honest I'm not even totally sure it was the version of the schematic I made the board from. I thought I had done something different with the threshold in this but I've reused that envelope detector so many times that it's hard to know.
Open Discussion / Re: Blenders - suggestions
October 28, 2021, 03:42:17 AM
I've used this on a couple recordings. I made it for a PIFmas present a while back. It's basically a Big Muff with a clean blend, except that the clean blend is the compressor output, which is also the big muff's input stage.

You can drink from the Jon, too, but I don't go around suggesting people do it.
Open Discussion / Re: Countdown to 10k
October 01, 2021, 04:29:57 PM
You are, for certain, the Bean commander, Brian.
Open Discussion / Re: Small bear retiring
October 01, 2021, 04:24:03 PM
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on September 30, 2021, 04:34:17 PM
Quote from: EBK on September 30, 2021, 03:05:37 PM
I placed three orders since the announcement.  I emailed them asking to merge the orders to save on shipping, and they responded the next day telling me the merged orders were ready for packing and would go out with the next scheduled mail drop.  No automatic order status email saying that though.  Generally, 14 days from my payment is the max I've ever had to wait for a Smallbear order to arrive.  I'm fine with that, but I understand not everyone would be.

Meh.. This is not the first time. On a previous order, I waited about 10 days before emailing them and it was then that they told me that my order would go in the mail that day. Any others after that, I have had to email them a few days after the order to get them to act on it.
I deal with vendors on a daily basis for work so I know how it goes... unfortunately.

EDIT: I guess they saw my email. Got a shipping notice a minute ago  :o

It's funny, we're in the same state, and in a couple dozen orders I've never had to wait more than 5 days from when I place the order to it being on my doorstep.

Maybe you're on someone's shitlist.
Open Discussion / Re: Small bear retiring
September 22, 2021, 11:17:02 PM
Quote from: cooder on September 22, 2021, 09:54:29 PM
I have read in the grapevine that Jon Cusack is talking to them, so hopefully he picks up the batton. Another fab dude!

I guess I haven't seen him in a movie in a while, this explains why.
Build Reports / Re: Umm...did you just *bleep*?
September 06, 2021, 11:54:24 PM
Quote from: Bio77 on September 06, 2021, 09:10:54 PM
Those guts are sexy.

Goddamn are they ever.
Don't put parts diagonally.

You can put those resistors and diodes right up next to each other and they won't hit each other. (I assume this is DIYLC? It looks like it.)

There's a lot of wasted space and don't use jumpers unless you absolutely have to -- they're an easy thing for someone to miss.

Just in the top left corner, if you straightened out that 100R, you could move the 10K next to it down and to the left, and you'd have a ton of space to run the trace where it needs to go from the pot that currently has a jumper halfway across the board. The north lead of the diagonal 10K in the lower left could have just gone to the other side of the transistor, instead of running a trace behind the transistor. The 4.7K that has a jumper could have just gone next to your chip, without even rearranging or moving any of the parts -- and a 51p is TINY even if there wasn't already enough room between it and the board for a resistor.

Keep your traces as short as possible, don't be a slave to the exact connections in the schematic when multiple parts are connected to each other. For instance, that 22K in the top right -- there's no reason to run its trace all the way down to the LEDs, it could have gone almost next door to lug 3 of the comp pot. The 10K between pins 1 and 2 of the chip has a needlessly circuitious route; just put it next to the chip.

You should be able to consolidate more than enough space to get your in/out/9v/g connections all to the bottom of the board after that.
Went to Philly for my birthday over the weekend, got some fancy (or at least unusual) mushrooms. Had chanterelle pasta on Sunday, been eating pioppino omelets for lunch, and tonight I made lion's mane mushroom "crab" cakes. They were quite good, and super convincing. They miss a tiny bit of the sweetness of real crab, so I think I could have used soy sauce instead of Worcestershire sauce, but honestly if you put this on my plate and didn't tell me what it was, I probably wouldn't have thought it *wasn't* a regular crab cake. 10/10 would make again.