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Messages - add4


Quote from: SmoothAction on March 03, 2016, 07:28:06 PM
Quote from: add4 on March 01, 2016, 03:38:47 PM
pure beauty

Instant love.

Put this on while I had a glass of red on my extended lunch break, don't tell my boss. Fit the mood perfectly on a gorgeous spring day while I sat on an empty patio. Thank you.

Glad you love it! Sebastien is such an amazing guitar player. he has so much taste, a flawless technique, and a real search for inventivity and musicality. he really listens to what he's actually playing.. and he's a really nice and interesting guy on top of that.

If you liked this: check this other video, from the studio for his beautiful album called 'la mélodie des choses'. I have been coming back to that video again and again in the last few days. it's just beautiful in so many ways. Sebastien's solo is SO great too. i definately need to transcribe what he does between 1:30 and 1:40 and 2:10 to 2:20 beautiful guitar work.
The kora player is just incredibly too .. i love seeing an african tradition instrument used in that harmonically interesting context.

pure beauty

haha .. i also assume that my battery life (using a pedal train volto to power the circuit) would drain in a few minutes.

i didn't notice anything of that so .. i'll just unsolder the resistor and measure it 
Thanks for the analysis, i know who to call next time i burn my house by messing around with 9v powered electronics circuits :)
ok i just checked :

the schematic for the cupcake says 10r and it's a brown black black resistor, so i think it's correct.

but i also think there is something going on at the beginning of the power stage. it makes sense what i don't understand is why do i get 9v at the plug, and 2 at R12, (and also D2) if it's connected i should have 9v everywhere, or 2v everywhere, right?

i'm going to check this.
if you're right, you get a badge for extreme debugging capabilities.

thanks for helping

So i built a cupcake a while ago and it was not working correctly ... i just found the time to get it out today and analyze a bit.

So, i started reading voltages at the opamp
at the power plug (yes i boxed before i rocked :) ) voltage between ground and positive side is 9.24V

at the IC
1 : 1.43
2 : oscillation between 1.90 and 1.40
3 : 1.19
4 : 0
5 : 0
6 : 1.85
7 : 1.85
8 : 2.43

so i started looking at the power stage: 2.43 at either side of R12 and the diode.

.. i don't really know what to look for next: the voltages at the input are good, but not in the power stage which would be, for me the very first place where it ca go wrong .. but i imagine it would be either grounded and 0 everywhere, or 9v everywhere..

other voltages:
E: 0.24
C: 0.24
B: 0

C: 2.43
C: 1.28
B: 0.25

Have you got some ideas?

thanks in advance for your time/help
Open Discussion / Re: Question for the Envirotex Experts
February 15, 2016, 09:18:38 PM
you can try vinegar before buying liquids that will basically be vinegar :)

put a little white vinegar on the water before your decal is used. or you can also try to soften the edges with vinegar, both worked for me
Open Discussion / drilled enclosures at madbean
February 12, 2016, 08:14:16 PM
I  don't know about you guys, but i myself would love to be able to buy the enclosure with the required drilling, with the pcb of a project. i don't have a lot of free time these days, and i can't drill at home anymore (my building time is when the kids sleep, next room). So when a project requires an unusual drilling template, i have to take the measurements from the pcb, put it on a template, send it to pedalpartsplus, pay huge fees in transportation, ...

it would be so much easier if i could buy the enclosure directly from madbean. who would maybe order a certain amount to pedal part plus, have a price on that, and sell these to us at a reasonable price.

what do you think of it?
am i alone in this situation
i totally understand that stocking enclosures is not the same as stocking pcbs, so maybe it's just not possible for practical reasons :)

Build Reports / Re: AU-Drive Tube Booster
February 11, 2016, 05:44:55 AM
i wasn't even aware it was possible to get a polished look like that .. how did you do it?  Oo
Build Reports / in praise of the karate shop
February 10, 2016, 10:54:45 AM
Just a quick note to let people know about this :
the karate shop is awesome. it can be used as a filter to get the 'old radio' sound, which can be prertty inspiring, to select a band f frequencies after or before distortion and make it really really mean and focused, or really help your guitar cutting through a mix in an amazing way (that setting sounds like ass when i play alone, but in a band .. wow). i love that last setting more than in can express in words.
it's the secret weapon in my pedalboard.

thanks for making this projet available
Open Discussion / Re: Changing amps
February 06, 2016, 06:23:31 PM
Quote from: Mich P on February 06, 2016, 01:51:20 PM
25 EUROS  i like that !
Mich P.

Pure luck. All my jazzmen friands still hate me for that. A classical case of "I'm selling the old stuff of my husband and i have no idea of how much it's worth"
Open Discussion / Re: Changing amps
February 05, 2016, 06:11:15 PM
i went from this amp

fender tremolux blonde january 62. listed around 2700 $ today

to this one

1980s polytone mini brute I : 25 euros second hand (normally sells around 4-500 euros here), no tube, all transistors, bandaxall 3 bands and volume. and a treble/mid/dark switch which transforms the amp from a wes montgomery tone to an (almost fendersish) tone. takes pedals magnificently, 120 watts of pure, perfect clean tone, mort dynamic and direct than any tube amp i've tried. small, and lightweight. what's not to love?

not missing my fender .. it's been 3 years. it's now sleeping patiently in my parent's attic, getting a little bit more expensive as the time passes.
Open Discussion / karate shop: power stage?
February 04, 2016, 10:08:04 PM
Hello all,
i'm would like to try to put a karate shop being a TS type overdrive (i love doing this with 2 pedals) in order to give that resonant filter option in a pedal.
however, i don't get what is happening in the power stage of the karate shop: what is the function of this network of resistors (R15,R16,R17, of C12, C13 , D1 and the transistor?). the diode has to be for polarity protection, but the rest.. why can't i use the traditional caps for stabilizing the 9v and then the voltage divider + caps again for have 4.5v for biasing theopamps?

Currently listening to this and loving the vibe!

i totally agree about her carachter being quite fascinating!
the way she sings creates an almost spiritual experience that i only find in some guitarists like david gilmore, adam rogers and more importantly kurt rosenwinkel. it's a spiritual experience to listen to these people.
perfect mastery

Quote from: SmoothAction on January 26, 2016, 04:05:38 PM
Somewhat relevant to what we do, here is Bjork talking about her TV/electronics in 1988 I believe.

The way she talks is fascinating. She doesn't even need to sing, I could just listen to her talk all day. She is sooooo cool man. Ridiculously cute.

That's why you shouldn't let poets lie to you.