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Messages - Andlord

Holy small are your feet? Those switches look like I could/would push them all with one tap :D
It did not work as good as I hoped. Maybe next time I just try printing my design with coloured toner.

@BrianS: I'll post some gutshots next time I open it up. Have to fix the Output Jack anyway. I used a cheapo that I had for decades. Big mistake! It makes wierd noise and works only if i pull the cable half way out. Got to order some decent Jacks
General Questions / Re: Eagle Library Gaussmarkov
August 15, 2017, 04:04:07 PM
That one worked...thanks a lot
You could also as in the "Buy/Sell/Trade" section. Maybe somebody has a spare PCB
General Questions / Eagle Library Gaussmarkov
August 15, 2017, 08:27:59 AM
Hallo guys and gals,

I've been reading a lot about designing PCBs with Eagle. Most of the tutorials and threads refer to the Library of Gussmarkov (and the one from madbean) but sadly all the links are dead and I don't know where to download it. A googled for a while but still only dead links.
Could somebody post a working link or upload it.

I know most likely I can do everything I want with the madbean library but I just want to see what the fuzz is all about.

Regards Andreas

PS. I hope I posted in the right subforum, if not I'm sorry :D

edit: this is totally in the wrong subforum. I'm sorry. Could an Admin move it in the right one?
Hallo guys and gals,

Here is my take on the Acapulco Gold. First build in about 8-9 years and first time in a 1590a ever.

Tried to do toner transfer with the design and paint a few areas with acrylics. Did not work that great, i kind of hoped for the toner to be a good base for paint but it is not. Gonna etch next time or keep it black'n'white.
Orphan of Kos!? Took me a whole evening to take that di**head down :)

Great builds, i'm not a big fan of too much colour on a pedal