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Messages - Aentons

That's cool man, way to go!
Quote from: museums on April 20, 2023, 04:53:47 PM
The reason 125B is more prevalent is likely based on cost. When 4Site enclosures came onto the market they were half the price of a 1590N1 or less. Since the enclosure is often the most expensive part of a pedal this is a huge savings on BOM cost for a manufacturer and you end up with many people referring to that part number because its just what they use for their products.

Not saying I'm correct, I remember seeing the 4site stuff come out and looking for equivalent Hammond models and not being able to find one for the 125B. It may have been the 1590N1 was only available with ribs. The ribs may explain the tolerance discrepancy and/or the "similar" remark. Not sure
Omg... Defensive snake farting...I can't stop laughing  ;D
Quote from: Aentons on April 16, 2023, 01:40:12 AM
It's like calling vibrato tremolo. It's Leo's fault but nobody cares and just roll with it.
I apologize. This sounded really rude but that was not my intention. I'm with you on the misnomers.
It's like calling vibrato tremolo. It's Leo's fault but nobody cares and just roll with it.
Open Discussion / Re: NPD - Overdrive content
April 15, 2023, 06:21:53 PM
Quote from: lars on April 15, 2023, 05:02:30 PM
Quote from: selfdestroyer on April 13, 2023, 02:13:14 PM
Its cool seeing an OD-2 so loved, its been forever since I messed with one.
Now if only Josh Scott would do a video where he runs this up against a slew of other overdrives! (that might be a bad thing because the asking prices would triple) I think there would be an even greater gamut of drives that the OD-2 could compare to, given that it has two modes. I seriously can't find a single overdrive-type tone that this thing can't do.
I think he needs to do a video where he shows all the overdrives and makes them all sound the same.Then in two years reveal that he was really just plugged direct the whole time.
Quote from: madbean on April 11, 2023, 02:33:33 PM
The MemoryMan does not easily allow for tails bypass, unfortunately. Looking at the Skoolie schematic, in order to have tails you have to break the connection b/w R6/C4 to IC1 pin5/R20. However, R6 also delivers the voltage bias input to pin5, so if you remove that connection, you get nothing out of pin7 (or, nothing food sounding at least).

But, if you were to add another resistor at the junction of C23 and R20, then tie the other end of that to VB, it might work okay. It should be at least 220k as to not form a HP filter with C23.
That sounds like a plan I can test. Thanks!

I'm curious tho, will grounding the input and leaving the output connected on a buffered bypass board be to noisy, or is there some other reason that doesn't work?

I'm building the Skoolie and was thinking what else could possibly be crammed in with it... Tails, duh.

Anybody possibly know of a bypass board with tails?
Open Discussion / Re: NGD - Been awhile
April 07, 2023, 03:51:10 AM
A buddy of mine let me borrow his Fender Bass VI for a while and it was totally awesome. It's essentially a regular bass but with two higher strings and it somehow forces you to play differently than if it were a regular bass or guitar. It's a very unique experience and way different than a baritone.
It's sooooo stupid I can't believe anyone would actually fall for it... The only thing I found funny was her shirt :)
Open Discussion / Re: Tube ban
March 28, 2023, 07:11:32 PM

"He says he aims to launch Western Electric's 12AX7, America's first new tube in decades, this summer. After that he plans to add a string of additional models, versions of the 6L6, EL34, EL84 12 AT7, and 6V6 tubes—a lineup he calculates makes up almost 80 percent of the relevant music equipment, such as guitar and studio amps. If all goes to plan, the US could once again dominate vacuum tube manufacturing."
Btw,  the pink bags are not the same as the silver ones. I'd use the silver ones for ICs. The pink ones still let ESD thru the bag, the coating just helps prevent static buildup on the outside.
I don't build a lot and I don't have a lot of space so I keep parts in groups of nested clear bags all in one big clear tub. Every other way takes up a lot more space. You can compress the bags down to the bare minimum space, it's all still organized, and with minimal effort since most of it all comes in clear labeled bags anyway.

When I sit down to build, I pull out one of the big bags at a time, go thru the build list, pull out what is required, populate the board, and put the bag up. Solder it all up when I'm done. This is the easiest way for me.