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Messages - Willybomb

Yeah, I have the pcbs/veros scaled out to the right size for placement purposes normally, but didn't think to in this case for some reason.
Build Reports / Bassick - Brenja's Bass Driver 3.1 pcb
February 05, 2023, 01:49:41 PM
Gudday all.  I'm currently on another pedal finishing run now that my tayda order arrived.  This is is Bassick, using Brenja's Bass Driver 3.1 PCB he sold me 3 years ago (sorry mate, just getting around to it now).

I had an issue getting the fet switching to work, (it just powered up into "on" and wouldn't bypass) so I went back to the 2.0 docs that I used in my Phat Boy build and wired it for a 3pdt.  This took a couple of hours as I couldn't get it to work.  Don't know what I finally did right but the wiring I finally did was identical to the docs - but my initial identical wiring (also identical to the docs) didn't work and it just gave a bypassed signal. Anyway...

While my tayda drill template had all the right distances, I didn't place it high up enough in the enclosure and I had to really jam the 3pdt and output 1/4 jack in tight up against the pcb.  The pcb was actually extending into the hole.  Anway....

All things being equal, I'm glad I stuck with trying to get it all to work and fit.  In the end after all that there's something weird going on with the level pot that I sorted by really tightening it down - while it was wobbling the sound cut out unless I lent on it a certain way.  This isn't an ideal solution but there's no way I'm pulling this apart to deal with it now.

Build Reports / Re: Doc - Modded Dist+ with clean blend.
February 03, 2023, 09:03:11 AM
Matt black?  It's Tayda's Matt Army Green, iirc.

Th fellow you're talking about - Mark Jackson - was a big deal in the footy when I was a kid, but it was back in the 80's when it was a Victorian league.

I did like the Highwayman back in the day, but only lasted 6 eps or something.  It was one of those high tech military weapon shows like Airwolf or Blue Thunder, except in a truck.

He did release this at one stage:

Build Reports / Doc - Modded Dist+ with clean blend.
February 03, 2023, 03:32:33 AM
Gudday all.  Had a guy see some of my builds and he contacted me asking for something to make his bass sound epic.  So, I went with the usual modded Dist+ jobbie.  He supplied the artwork and off we went.  I decided to try an Emexar pcb from the Guitarpcb Australian distributor as I had an order to get anyway.

I did have an issue with the print as somewhere along the line I'd misaligned it in Illustrator - probably because I was in a rush and had/wanted to get an order off.  I also forgot to specify the size of the jack holes so I had to drill those out from the stock 3mm holes.  I told the client and told him I'd make it good and give a discount as a result.  I scrapped the print off with my thumbnail and it looks fine, the minimal blem is covered by the washer and knob.  Dude was cool with it.

Anyway, here's Doc.  Don't ask me about the name or the graphics, he supplied those and it was originally going be called "Richo" after an AFL player.  I have no idea who Doc is.

It's a little noisey for my tastes.  I don't recall having this issue with my Darth Punk or Bass Bomb builds - both on vero.
Build Reports / Re: Sushi box Blackeye
February 02, 2023, 09:13:37 AM
This is a build I want to do.
Build Reports / Re: Blue Whale - Jimilee's Blue Morning
February 02, 2023, 09:11:49 AM
Quote from: Aleph Null on February 01, 2023, 08:35:57 PM
Looks great. That whale graphic is especially elegant! Is that your own artwork or did you find it somewhere?

Thanks.  I googled "Blue whale line drawing" or something similar and stole something.
Build Reports / Blue Whale - Jimilee's Blue Morning
February 01, 2023, 12:27:02 PM
So, Jimilee was kind enough to sell and send his pcbs to me in Australia, and this is the first one finished.  It's a nice take on the Bluesbreaker, and the hard/soft switches are handy.

This is my now usual Tayda powdercoat, drill, UV printed enclosure with stolen internet graphics.

Build Reports / Re: Manny (Benson Preamp)
January 24, 2023, 02:54:06 PM
Urg.  So neat.  So tidy.
Build Reports / Wrendrive - guitarpcb Zendrive clone.
January 18, 2023, 02:17:38 PM
Not much to say, it's Guitarpcb's Zendrive clone pcb in a tayda drilled, powdercoated, and UV printed enclosure with stolen internet artwork.  Not great pcbs are far as internals are concerned - pcb mounted pots are always neater - but it sounds good.  The tayda services are basically a cheatcode imo.


Open Discussion / Re: Dammit dammit dammit
January 16, 2023, 09:36:38 PM
QuoteWow, you win this round for sure.
Thanks, I'm proud of my achievement.  I'd like to thank my parents, partner, and DIY pedal acquaintances for all their support.

It's probably not *that* big a deal, and hopefully it'll just be a case of using the press and step drill to add another mm to most of the holes, or going up from 3mm to 5mm for the leds.
Open Discussion / Re: Dammit dammit dammit
January 16, 2023, 10:00:44 AM
QuoteOrdered over 100 in parts and still forgot audio jacks.

You think that's bad?  I just placed an order of nearly AUD$400 in enclosures, drilling, UV prints and general parts - and I forgot to add the extra .2mm to the drill holes to compensate for the powdercoat.  I suspect that a lot of the holes were placeholders too and the sizes will only be approximate....
Open Discussion / Re: NGD - Yamaha Ty Tabor
December 23, 2022, 02:03:39 PM
Well.... now you have me intrigued...  I've been gassing for an MJ Charvel, but.....
Global Annoucements / Re: Should we do a BOTY contest?
December 07, 2022, 03:02:39 PM
I was wondering about this.  I have a build in the works I'll enter if I can get it finished
Build Reports / Re: Death to the King
December 04, 2022, 11:30:56 AM
Great build, great story.
Open Discussion / Re: Blue Morning Build Doc updated
November 21, 2022, 09:54:53 PM
Hey Jimi, How did you go about drilling the two holes for the clipping switches?  They're pretty close in the doc, and tayda's drill service won't allow the two holes to be touching (which happens if they're larger than 3mm in this case).

I might have to get Tayda to drill them out at 3mm and open them up myself with the step drill.