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Messages - pogart

I've been reading through the forum on wiring for a multi effect pedal build. Here is my stumbling block. I built a Moodring reverb and a 1776 multiplex (thanks again for the huge amount of help on that one mgwhit) and have them ready to go into the box. I wired the moodring for buffered wiring (as per mooring pdf wiring) and the multiplex with the standard wiring diagram from madbean.  Most wiring diagrams I have found are using the standard wiring diagram found here in madbean. Is it possible to still have the buffered wiring set up for the moodring and regular wiring for the multiplex and connect them together. I would like to be able to use them together as well as individually (delay and reverb together and delay only and reverb only). When I wired them up  the delay works but reverb does not. Reverb alone produces a high pitched wine. Although both LED's light up. Thanks for any help you can offer.
I'll post some pics when I have it all ready to roll.
Thanks Josh, just waiting on a foot switch to arrive so I can test it out then it go's into a multi effect enclosure along with a Moodring reverb pedal. Ambient clouds await : )
Open Discussion / Low Voltage reading on Mutiplex build
February 10, 2015, 10:33:49 PM
I've been reading through the posts on voltage readings etc for the multiplex from 1776 but did not find one that sort of addresses my issue (unless I missed it if so sorry for the repeat post). I can only get to 0.36v and my 2k trimpot is maxed out. The LED stays dim if not at all. I did notice when I first powered up the led was bright and the voltage was well over 5v so I let it discharge and tried again very slowly. Now it peaks at 0.36v. Any suggestions?. I let it discharge again and started over but ended up with the same results.
Thanks Pete...***** Little more reading through posts in here and found my answer. Worked like a charm.
Global Annoucements / Re: "Jan 30th" releases
February 04, 2015, 09:07:14 PM
Cool thanks Brian. I should have waited a few days and picked it up with my other order. Shipping is killing me lol.
Global Annoucements / Re: "Jan 30th" releases
February 01, 2015, 05:36:54 PM
Is the bumblebee fuzz available?. I tried to order it but it does not seem to end up in my shopping cart.
Global Annoucements / Re: "Jan 30th" releases
January 31, 2015, 09:56:21 PM
Cool I was wondering. Have my eye on a few boards : )
Open Discussion / Re: Moodring build
January 21, 2015, 06:37:14 PM
I plan on combining it with another delay pedal for a multi effect build but here is a pic of the "out of box" temporary wiring set up. I had a quick sound demo noodling on my bass but can't upload the file type.. It is a very creamy sounding reverb. Totally dig it : )
Open Discussion / Moodring build
January 21, 2015, 05:13:47 PM
Holy smokes this little pedal has a lot of "space" and amazing range. Few little tweaks to do (stumped on the toggle switch install but will figure that out) but what a cool build. Thanks Brian for having this : )
It was the op amp. I switched the pt2399 as well after to see if the spare I had was less "noisy" as they say. No difference . I rewired everything as well to be on the safe side before I stuffed it into the box. I have to say it is one cool sounding delay pedal. Really like the swashy kind of tails as they diminish.
Thanks for the information and the help. I got it all boxed up and working finally. Turns out a few bad ic's make for an unhappy pedal ( and one frustrated newb builder). Sockets are now my best ever friend : )
Onto the next build project.
Ok I have sound on this pedal but kind of noisy,hissy and not very loud. I have some readings and they seem close to what is required but a few are not exact. Any suggestions? And thank you for pointing out the backwards ic (sockets are now my best ever friend). I hope this is enough info to get an idea on my problem. Thanks again for all the help and treating my newb questions with kid gloves.
9 through 16= 2.5  (pin 14 was 2.49 but I figured that was close enough)
ic 1 lm78l05
regulator= 8.96/0/5.0
Thanks for the info. I tried a new ic with same results, no sound. I will post the readings  when I'm back from vacation. They were still very odd, mainly negative. Again I'm very thankful for all the help and input and time you take to help me figure this out. 
Thanks man, I flip the ic and then take the readings again. I'll post them regardless of how odd they look and maybe that will point me in the right direction. I had it working but just low volume then I tinkered around with it and lost it.
OK cool, so I guess the first way I had it was correct?, since it is now hot to touch?. As for readings I can't seem to get anything close to recommended. All are negative?. Maybe I am testing wrong but at least I am keeping my patience...sort of lol